
Showing posts from November, 2017

Answers of Quiz 1839 (Association of South East Asian Nations)

1. ASEAN is a regional organisation which promotes intergovernmental cooperation & facilitates economic integration amongst its members. 2. On 8 August 1967 3. Its principal aims include accelerating economic growth, social progress & sociocultural evolution among its members, alongside the protection of regional stability & the provision of a mechanism for member countries to resolve differences peacefully. 4. English 5. 10 languages (Burmese, Filipino, Indonesian, Khmer, Lao, Malay, Mandarin, Tamil, Thai & Vietnamese 6. In Jakarta, Indonesia 7. 10 states (Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand & Vietnam 8. 2 observers (Papua New Guinea & Timor-Leste) 9. Indonsia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore & Thailand 10. Rodrigo Duterte 11. Le Luong Minh 12. Set upon a red circle background, ten yellow paddy or rice stalks are drawn in the middle. Under the rice stalks the organisation name abbreviation ...

Quiz 1839 (Association of South East Asian Nations)

Q1. What is ASEAN? Q2. When was it founded? Q3. What are its aims? Q4. Which is its working language? Q5. Which are its official languages? Q6. Where is its headquarters (secretariat)? Q7. How many members it has? Q8. How many observers it has? Q9. What is the number of its founder members? Q10. Who is its Chairman? Q11. Who is its Secretary-General? Q12. What is its emblem? Q13. What is its motto? Q14. What is its anthem? Q15. Which are the three pillars of ASEAN? Q16. Which countries border ASEAN? Q17. How many ASEAN Summits have been held? Q18. How many informal Summits have been held? Q19. Describe its flag? Q20. What is ASEAN Plus Three? Q21. What ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA)? Q22. What is ASEAN Declaration? Q23. What is East Asia Summit (EAS)? Q24. When was US-ASEAN Summit inaugurated? Q25. What is the total area of ASEAN countries? Q26. What is the total population of ASEAN countries? Q27. What is the total GDP (PPP) of ASEA...

Answers of Quiz 1838 ( Madani Life of Hazoor SAWW)

1. 622 AD 2. Constitution of Madina or Charter of Madina (Meesaq-e-Madina) was drafted by Hazoor (SAWW) shortly after his arrival at Madina in 1 AH / 622 AD.  The preamble declares the document to be "a book of Hazoor (SAWW) to operate between the believers & Muslims from the Quraysh tribe & from Madina & those who may be under them & wage war in their company. 3. Treaty of Hudaibiya (Suleh Hudaibiya) was an important event that took place during the formation of Islam. It was a pivotal treaty between Hazoor (SAWW), representing the state of Madina & the Quraish tribe of Makkah in Zil Qa'd 6 AH / March 628 AD. It helped to decrease tension between the two cities, affirmed a 10-year peace, & authorized Sahaba to return the following year in a peaceful pilgrimage, The First Pilgrimage. It was broken in 2 years by Quraish. 4. 27 Ghazwa 5. 53 Sariya 6. Ghazwa Widan 7. Ghazwa Tabook 8. In Ghazwa Uhad 9. 17 Ramzan 2 AH / 13 March 624 AD 10. 7 Shaw...

Quiz 1838 ( Madani Life of Hazoor SAWW)

Q1. Which year is called "The Year of Hijra"? Q2. What was the Constitution of Madina? Q3. What was Treaty of Hudaibiya? Q4. What is the number of Ghazwa? Q5. What is the number of Sariya? Q6. Which was the first Ghazwa? Q7. Which was the last Ghazwa? Q8. In which Ghazwa his teeth were martyred? Q9. In which year Battle of Badr was fought? Q10. In which year Battle of Uhud was fought? Q11. In which year Battle of Trench was fought? Q12. In which year Battle of Khyber was fought? Q13. In which year Battle of Hunain was fought? Q14. In which year Battle of Tabook was fought? Q15. How many times Hazoor (SAWW) performed Hajj? Q16. How many times Hazoor (SAWW) performed Umrah? Q17. How many wives died in his lifetime? Q18. Who was his last wife? Q19. Which book was revealed on him? Q20. How many times his name has been mentioned in Quran? Q21. In which Surah he has been named Ahmed? Q22. In how many years revelation was completed? Q23...

Answers of Quiz 1837 (Economic Co-operation Organization)

1. In 1985 2. 28 November 3. ECO is a Eurasian political & economic intergovernmental organization. 4. ECO provides a platform to discuss ways to improve development & promote trade & investment opportunities. The objective is to establish a single market for goods & services, much like the European Union. 5. Sustainable socioeconomic development for people of the region 6. Iqtisadi Ta'awun Tanzeem 7. English 8. Eurasian 9. 10 members (Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkey, Turkmenistan & Uzbekistan) 10. 1 observer (Northern Cyprus) 11. ECO's secretariat & cultural department are located in Tehran. 12. In Turkey 13. In Pakistan 14. Halil Ibrahim Akca 15. Iran, Pakistan & Turkey 16. 7,937,197 km sq / 3,064,568.90 sq mi (6th) 17. 416,046,863 (3rd) 18. US $4.7 trillion (5th) 19. US $1.9 trillion (8th) 20. 21. Regional Cooperation for Development (RCD) 22. ECOTA ...

Quiz 1837 (Economic Co-operation Organization)

Q1. When was ECO founded? Q2. When is ECO Day observed? Q3. What is ECO? Q4. What is the objective of ECO? Q5. What is its motto? Q6. What is it called in Urdu? Q7. Which is its official language? Q8. What is its demonym? Q9. How many members it has? Q10. Who is its observer? Q11. Where is its headquarters (secretariat)? Q12. Where is its economic bureau? Q13. Where is its scientific bureau? Q14. Who is its Secretary-General? Q15. Which are its founding members? Q16. What is the total area of ECO countries? Q17. What is the total population of ECO countries? Q18. What is the total GDP (PPP) of ECO countries? Q19. What is the total GDP (nominal) of ECO countries? Q20. Which is the official website of ECO? Q21. ECO is the successor organisation of? Q22. What does ECOTA stand for? Q23. What does TPO stand for? Q24. What is the currency of ECO countries? Q25. Who are the Presidents in ECO countries? Q26. Who are the Prime Ministers in EC...

Answers of Quiz 1836 (Makki Life of Hazoor SAWW)

1. Quraish family 2. 6 months before his birth 3. 6 years 4. 8 years 5. 9 years 6. 25 years 7. 35 years 8. 40 years 9. On 6th day a lamb was sacrificed 10. Warqa bin Naufal 11. Al-Sadiq & Al-Amin 12. In Cave Hira 13. 3 years 14. 3 days, 3 nights 15. 10 years before Hijra 16. In 8 AH / 629 AD 17. 53 years 18. 13 years

Quiz 1836 (Makki Life of Hazoor SAWW)

Q1. To which family of Makkah he belonged? Q2. What was his age when his father died? Q3. What was his age when his mother died? Q4. What was his age when his grandfather died? Q5. What was his age when he undertook his 1st trade journey? Q6. What was his age when he married to Khadija? Q7. What was his age when the incident of installing Black Stone took place? Q8. What was his age when he was blessed with Prophethood? Q9. Give after how many days of his birth, his Aqeeqa ceremoney was held? Q10. Who was the 1st to verify him as a Prophet, before Prophethood? Q11. Which two titles were given to him by the people of Makkah for his honesty & truth? Q12. Where did he receive 1st revelation? Q13. How long he propagated Islam secretly after Prophethood? Q14. How many days he stayed in Cave Saur? Q15. In which year Ascension took place? Q16. When was Makkah conquered? Q17. How many years he stayed in Makkah? Q18. How many years Quran was revealed in ...

Answers of Quiz 1835 (Hazrat Amina)

1. In 71 BH / 552 AD in Madina 2. Wahb bin Abd Manaf 3. Barrah bint Abdul Uzza 4. No brothers 5. Hala 6. Hazrat Abdullah 7. Hazoor (SAWW) 8. No daughter 9. Hala bint Wuhayb (Wahb & Wuhayb were brothers) 10. After 3 months 11. On Monday 12 Rabi-ul-Awwal 53 BH / 571 AD in Makkah 12. Ahmed 13. Hazrat Sobia & Hazrat Halima 14. 6 years 15. 1 month 16. At Abwa, 23 miles from Madina towards Makkah 17. The grandmother of Amina was Um Habib bint Asad, who was a sister of Khadija's father, Khuwaylid bin Asad. 18. The grandfather of Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas was Uhayb bin Abd Manaf, who was the paternal uncle of Amina. 19. Upto 6 years 20. In 46 BH / 577 AD 21. 25 years 22. In Abwa 23. Amina = Trustworthy, Honest, Faithful

Quiz 1835 (Hazrat Amina)

Q1. When was she born? Q2. What was the name of his father? Q3. What was the name of his mother? Q4. What were the names of his brothers? Q5. What were the names of his sisters? Q6. What was the name of his spouse? Q7. What were the names of his sons? Q8. What were the names of his daughters? Q9. Which of her cousin Abdul Mutallib married at the same time of her marriage with Abdullah? Q10. After how many months of her marriage, her husband died? Q11. On what date she gave birth to her child? Q12. What name she chose for her child? Q13. Who nursed her child? Q14. What was the age of Hazoor (SAWW) when she took him to Madina? Q15. How many months they stayed in Madina? Q16. After travelling how many miles back to Makkah, she fell ill & died? Q17. How was she a relative to Hazrat Khadija (RA)? Q18. How was she a relative to Hazrat Sa'd bin Abi Waqas (RA)? Q19. How many years she looked after her child? Q20. When she died? Q21. What was h...

Answers of Quiz 1834 (Hazrat Abdullah bin Abdul Mutallib)

1. In 78 BH / 546 AD in Makkah 2. Hazrat Abdul Mutallib 3. Hazrat Fatima bint Amr 4. Harith, Zubair, Abu Talib, Abdul Uzza (Abu Lahab), Hamza, Muqawwim, Mughira, Abbas, Zarar 5. Umm Hakim al-Bayda, Barra, Arwa, Atika, Umama, Safia 6. Hazrat Amina 7. Hazoor (SAWW) 8. No daughter 9. Umm Hakim al-Bayda 10. Merchant & clay-worker 11. Al-Harith was Abdul Mutallib's only son at the time when he dug the Zamzam Well. When the Quresh were trying to stop his digging, he vowed that if he were to have ten sons to protect him, he would sacrifice one of them to Allah at the Kaba. Later, after nine more sons had been born to him, he told them he must keep the vow. The divination arrows fell upon his favorite son Abdullah. The Quresh protested his intention to sacrifice his son & demanded that he sacrifice something else instead. He agreed to consult a sorceress with a familiar spirit. She told him to cast lots between Abdullah & ten camels. If Abdullah were chosen, he had...

Quiz 1834 (Hazrat Abdullah bin Abdul Mutallib)

Q1. When was he born? Q2. What was the name of his father? Q3. What was the name of his mother? Q4. What were the names of his brothers? Q5. What were the names of his sisters? Q6. What were the names of his spouse? Q7. What were the names of his sons? Q8. What were the names of his daughters? Q9. Which of his sister was born twin with him? Q10. What was his occupation? Q11. Describe the event of sacrificing Abdullah? Q12. How many days he lived in the house of Amina after marriage with her? Q13. To which country was he sent after his marriage? Q14. After how many months of his marriage, he died? Q15. When he died? Q16. What was his total age? Q17. Where did he lie buried? Q18. What property he left after his death? Q19. Before how many months of birth of Hazoor (SAWW), he died? Q20. How many of his brothers accepted Islam? Q21. How many of his sisters accepted Islam? Q22. What is the meaning of his name? Reply must.

Answers of Quiz 1833 (Hazrat Abu Talib)

1. In 539 AD in Makkah 2. Abdul Manaf or Imran 3. Abdul Mutallib 4. Fatimah bint Amr 5. Zubair, Abdullah, Abu Lahab, Muqwim, Mughira, Haris, Zarar, Hazrat Abbas RA & Hazrat Hamza RA 6. Afiyya, Umme Hakeem, Aroohi, Ateka, Arwa & Hazrat Safiya RA 7. Fatimah bint Asad 8. Talib, Hazrat Jafar Tayyar (RA), Aqeel, Hazrat Ali (RA) 9. Hazrat Umme Hani (RA), Jamana, Fakhitah 10. After the death of his father Abdul Mutallib 11. 8 years 12. As a leader of the Banu Hashim, he acted as a protector to Hazoor (SAWW). After Hazoor (SAWW) began preaching the message of Islam, members of the other Qurashite clans increasingly came to feel threatened by Hazoor (SAWW). In attempts to quiet him, they pressured him to silence his nephew or control him. Despite these pressures, he maintained his support. Leaders of the Quraysh directly confronted him several times. He brushed them off. The Quraysh even tried to bribe him. When this also failed, the Quraysh elicited the support of other t...

Quiz 1833 (Hazrat Abu Talib)

Q1. When was he born? Q2. What was his real name? Q3. What was the name of his father? Q4. What was the name of his mother? Q5. What were the names of his brothers? Q6. What were the names of his sisters? Q7. What was the name of his spouse? Q8. What were the names of his sons? Q9. What were the names of his daughters? Q10. After whom he was made leader of his tribe? Q11. What was the age of Holy Prophet (PBUH) when he started looking after him? Q12. How he supported & protected Hazoor (SAWW), when he declared prophethood? Q13. Which of his daughters, Hazoor (SAWW) wanted to marry but he refused? Q14. Who read the Nikah sermon of Hazoor (SAWW), when he married to Hazrat Khadija (RA)? Q15. How was Hazrat Khadija (RA) a relative of his wife Hazrat Fatima bint Asad (RA)? Q16. Was he a poet also? Q17. Which one of his sons was later looked after by Hazoor (SAWW)? Q18. When he died? Q19. What was his total age? Q20. Who was made leader of his tri...

Answers of Quiz 1832 ( Hazrat Abdul Mutallib)

1. In 480 AD 2. Shaybah bin Hashim 3. Shaybat al-Hamd 4. Hashim bin Abd Manaf 5. Al-Mutallib 6. Salma bint Amr 7. 1 brother: Asad 8. No sisters 9. Sumrah, Lubna, Fatima, Hala, Natila, Mumanna 10. Haris, Abu Talib (or Abad Manaf), Zubair, Abdullah, Abu Lahab (Abdul Uzza), Hamza, Mughira, Al-Moqaowwim (Abdul Kaba), Abbas Zarrar 11. Barrah, Arwa, Umama, Atika, Umm Hakim al-Bayda (maternal grandmother of Usman Ghani), Safia 12. Hazrat Ismail (AS) 13. After the death of his uncle Al-Mutallib 14. Watering & feeding the pilgrims 15. He said that while sleeping in the sacred enclosure, he had dreamed that he was ordered to dig at the slaughter-place of the Quraysh between the two idols Isaf & Naila. There he would find the Zamzam well, which the Jurhum tribe had filled in when they left Makkah. The Quresh tried to stop him digging in that spot, but his son Al-Harith stood guard until they gave up their protests. After three days of digging, he found traces of an old we...

Quiz 1832 (Hazrat Abdul Mutallib)

Q1. When was he born? Q2. What was his real name? Q3. What were his other names? Q4. What was the name of his father? Q5. What was the name of his uncle? Q6. What was the name of his mother? Q7. What were the names of his brothers? Q8. What were the names of his sisters? Q9. What were the names of his spouses? Q10. What were the names of his sons? Q11. What were the names of his daughters? Q12. He was a descent of which Prophet? Q13. When he became chief of the Hashim clan of Quraish tribe? Q14. What was the duty of Banu Hashim tribe? Q15. How he found the Zamzam well? Q16. Who arbitrated in a dispute between him & Harb bin Umayyah (Abu Sufyan's father)? Q17. What was the name of King of Yemen who came to demolish Khana Kaba? Q18. What is that year called? Q19. How was the king defeated? Q20. In which Surah that event is mentioned? Q21. After how many years of that event, Hazoor (SAWW) was born? Q22. Descibe the event of sacrificing ...

Answers of Quiz 1831 (World Television Day)

1. On 21 November 2. Tele = far, vision = watch 3. John Logie Baird on 26 January 1926 4. Monochromatic images are images of 1 color or shades of 1 color. 5. Radio wave is an electromagnetic wave of a frequency as used for long-distance communication. 6. A pixel is a minute area of illumination on a display screen, one of many from which an image is composed. (or a pixel is a single point in a graphic image) 7. Transmission is a process of sending information signal from a medium. 8. Transmitter is a kind of antenna that turns electrical signals into radio waves so they can travel sometimes thousands of kilometres around the Earth or even into space & back. 9. Broadcasting is distribution of audio / video context to a dispersed audience via electronic communication medium. 10. TV Station is an organizatiom that transmits content over terrestrial TV. 11. Remote Control is a device used to control an apparatus or machine from a distance. 12. Cable TV is a system of deli...

Quiz 1831 (World Television Day)

Q1. When is World Television Day observed? Q2. What is the meaning of Television (TV)? Q3. Who invented TV? Q4. What is Monochromatic image? Q5. What are Radio wave? Q6. What is Pixel? Q7. What is Transmission? Q8. What is Transmitter? Q9. What is Broadcasting? Q10. What is a TV Station? Q11. What is Remote? Q12. What is Cable? Q13. What is Channel? Q14. When color broadcasting started? Q15. What does VHF stand for? Q16. What does UHF stand for? Q17. Does having TV require license? Q18. Who is called a viewer? Q19. When was Pakistan Television Corporation (PTV) founded? Q20. When PTV began color transmission? Q21. Private sector started with agreement to? Q22. Which was the first private TV network of Pakistan? Q23. Which ministry in federal cabinet of Pakistan is related to PTV? Q24. Who is the federal minister to that ministry? Q25. How much charges are included per month as TV fees charge to all consumers of electricity in Pakistan?...

Answers of Quiz 1830 (Tipu Sultan)

1. On 20 November 1750 (Friday 20th Dhu al-Hijjah 1163 AH) Devanahalli now Bangalore, Karnataka 2. Syed Wal Sharif Sultan Fateh Ali Khan Sahab Tipu 3. Tipu Mastan, Aulia of Arcot 4. Sultan Haider Ali Khan 5. Fatima Fakhr-un-Nisa 6. Fateh Muhammad 7. Karim 8. 1 sister 9. Sindh Sahiba 10. 16 sons: Hyder Ali, Abdul Khaliq, Muhi-ud-Din Ali, Muizzuddin Ali, Mirajuddin Ali, Muinuddin Ali, Muhammad Yasin, Muhammad Subhan, Muhammad Shukrullah, Sarwaruddin, Nizamuddin, Jamaluddin, Muniruddin, Ghulam Muhammad, Ghulam Ahmad, Hashmat Ali 11. Hindi, Urdu, Persian, Arabic, Kannada, English & French 12. 15 years (In 1766) 13. In 1782 14. Napoleon Bonaparte 15. Tipu Sultan 16. The Treaty of Mangalore was signed between Tipu Sultan & the British East India Company on 11 March 1784. It was signed in Mangalore & brought an end to the Second Anglo-Mysore War. 17. Tipu Sultan 18. The Treaty of Seringapatam, signed 18 March 1792, ended the Third Anglo-Mysore War. Its signator...

Events in Rabi-ul-Awwal

7 Rabi-ul-Awwal 1045: Mian Mir died 8 Rabi-ul-Awwal 260 AH: Imam Hassan Al-Askari died 9 Rabi-ul-Awwal Hazoor (SAWW) reached Madina Eid e shuja 10 Rabi-ul-Awwal Hazrat Abdul Mutallib died 12 Rabi ul Awwal Hazoor (SAWW) born 11 AH: Hazoor (SAWW) passed away 11 AH: Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA) became Caliph 241 AH: Imam Ahmed bin Hanbal died 14 Rabi-ul-Awwal 65 AH: Mukhtar Saqfi captured Ibn Ziyad's Palace in Kufa 179 AH: Imam Malik bin Anas died Qutbuddin Bakhtiar Kaki died 15 Rabi-ul-Awwal Construction of Masjid-e-Quba started 64 AH: Yazid died 17 Rabi-ul-Awwal Imam Ja‘far al-Sadiq born 18 Rabi-ul-Awwal 9 AH: Umm Kulthum bint Ali born 26 Rabi-ul-Awwal Hazrat Abu Talib died

Quiz 1830 (Tipu Sultan)

Q1. When was he born? Q2. What was his full name? Q3. To which saint was he named after Tipu Sultan? Q4. What was the name of his father? Q5. What was the name of his mother? Q6. What was the name of his grandfather? Q7. What was the name of his brother? Q8. What was the name of his sister? Q9. What was the name of his spouse? Q10. What were the names of his sons? Q11. Which languages he learnt? Q12. What was his age when he fought the First Mysore War accompanied by his father? Q13. When he became the ruler of Mysore? Q14. Which French commander-in-chief who later became emperor, sought an alliance with Tipu? Q15. Who won the Second Anglo-Mysore War? Q16. What was the Treaty of Mangalore? Q17. Who won the Third Anglo-Mysore War? Q18. What was the Treaty of Seringapatam? Q19. In which foreign states he sent emissaries in an attempt to rally opposition to the British? Q20. In which countries he extended his trade? Q21. Which new things he start...

Answers of Quiz 1829 (Indira Gandhi)

1. On 19 November 1917 Allahabad, UP, India 2. Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru 3. Kamala Nehru 4. Feroze Gandhi 5. Rajiv Gandhi & Sanjay Gandhi 6. Sonia Gandhi (spouse of Rajiv Gandhi) & Maneka Gandhi (spouse of Sanjay Gandhi) 7. Rahul Gandhi (son of Rajiv Gandhi) & Varun Gandhi (son of Sanjay Gandhi) 8. Priyanka Gandhi (daughter of Rajiv Gandhi) 9. Priyadarshini (meaning delightful to look at) 10. In 1942 11. In 1959 12. Zorastrian Parsi 13. On 8 September 1960 14. Indira Gandhi 15. In 1966 16. Her biggest achievement after 1971 election was victory against Pakistan that led to the formation of independen Bangladesh. 17. Simla Agreement was signed between Indira Gandhi, Prime Minister of India, & Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, President of Pakistan, on 2 July 1972 in Simla. The agreement was the result of resolve of both the countries to put an end to the conflict & confrontation arising out of the 1971 war. 18. On 23 June 1980 19. 3 times 20. Operation Blue St...

Quiz 1829 (Indira Gandhi)

Q1. When was she born? Q2. What was the name of her father? Q3. What was the name of her mother? Q4. What was the name of her spouse? Q5. What were the names of her sons? Q6. What were the names of her daughters-in-law? Q7. What is the name of her grandson? Q8. What is the name of her grand-daughter? Q9. What name Rabindranath Tagore gave her in an interview? Q10. When did she marry to Feroze Gandhi? Q11. When was she elected President of Congress? Q12. What was the religion of her husband? Q13. When her husband died? Q14. Who was the first female Prime Minister of India? Q15. When was she elected Prime Minister for the first time? Q16. What was her biggest achievement after 1971 election? Q17. What was Simla Agreement? Q18. When her son Sanjay Gandhi died? Q19. How many times she took oath as Prime Minister? Q20. What was Operation Blue Star? Q21. When she died? Q22. Who were her assassins? Q23. What was her total age? Q24. Who became P...

Answers of Quiz 1827 (Migration to Madina)

1. On 27th Safar 0 Hijri (622 AD) 2. In 13th year of Prophethood 3. 53 years 4. The opposition of Quresh to Islam became so fierce & terrible that Hazoor (SAWW) had to ask the believers to migrate to Madina. 5. Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique (RA) 6. 45 Sahaba 7. Hazrat Ali (RA) risked his life by sleeping in Hazoor (SAWW)'s bed to impersonate him & thwart an assassination plot so that Hazoor (SAWW) could escape in safety. This night is called Laila-tul-Mabit. Hazrat Ali (RA) survived the plot, but risked his life again by staying in Makkah to carry out Hazoor (SAWW)'s instructions: to restore to their owners all the goods & properties that had been entrusted to Hazoor (SAWW) for safekeeping. 8. Al-Kiswa 9. Hazrat Abu Ayub Ansari (RA) 10. Muhajirs 11. Ansari 12. Because of migration of Hazoor (SAWW) to Yasrab, its name changed to Madina-tun-Nabi. 13. 10 years 14. 3 principles (All power belongs to Allah, Muhammad SAWW is His Prophet, & all Muslims are b...

Quiz 1827 (Migration to Madina)

Q1. In which year Hazoor (SAWW) migrated from Makkah to Madina? Q2. In which year of Prophethood, Hazoor (SAWW) migrated? Q3. What was the age of Hazoor (SAWW) when he migrated? Q4. What was the reason of migration to Madina? Q5. In migration Hazoor (SAWW) was accompanied by? Q6. How many Sahaba migrated with Hazoor (SAWW)? Q7. What was the contribution of Hazrat Ali (RA) in the night of migration? Q8. What was the name of dromedry Hazoor (SAWW) was riding during the journey? Q9. Who was the host of Hazoor (SAWW) in Madina? Q10. What were called the Sahaba who migrated with Hazoor (SAWW)? Q11. What were called the Sahaba who welcomed them in Madina? Q12. How the name of Yasrab changed? Q13. How many years Hazoor (SAWW) spent in Madina? Q14. In Madina, Hazoor (SAWW) established an Islamic society based on? Q15. Which was the first mosque built by Hazoor (SAWW) in Medina? Q16. In which Surah the migration is mentioned? Q17. Who introduced the Hijri Cale...

Answers of Quiz 1826 (Caliph Umar bin Abdul Aziz)

1. On 2 November 682 (26th Safar 63 AH) in Madina 2. Abdul Aziz 3. Umm Asim Layla 4. Marwan bin Hakam 5. Asim (son of Hazrat Umar Farooque RA) 6. Fatima (daughter of Caliph Abdul Malik bin Marwan) 7. Egypt 8. Sulaiman bin Abdul Malik 9. Sulaiman bin Abdul Malik 10. 8th Caliph (after Hazrat Muawiya RA, Yazid, Muawiya-II, Marwan, Abdul Malik, Walid, Sulaiman) 11. His reforms included strict abolition of drinking, forbidding public nudity, elimination of mixed bathrooms for men & women & fair dispensation of Zakat. 12. Umar bin Abdul Aziz 13. 3 years (22 September 717 to 4 February 720) 14. On 4 February 682 (20th Rajab 101 AH) 15. 38 years 16. Sulaiman bin Abdul Malik 17. Yazid bin Abdul Malik 18. Umar-II 19. Umar = Age bin = son of Abdul = Servant of Aziz = All-Powerful

Quiz 1826 (Caliph Umar bin Abdul Aziz)

Q1. When was he born? Q2. What was the name of his father? Q3. What was the name of his mother? Q4. What was the name of his paternal grandfather? Q5. What was the name of his maternal grandfather? Q6. What was the name of his spouse? Q7. His father was the Governor of? Q8. Which Caliph made him as the Governor of Madina? Q9. Which Caliph nominated him as his successor? Q10. He was the --th Umayyad Caliph. Q11. What reforms he made? Q12. Who is credited with having ordered the first official collection of hadiths? Q13. How many years he reigned? Q14. When he died? Q15. What was his total age? Q16. Who was his Predecessor? Q17. Who was his Successor? Q18. By what name he is known in the history? Q19. What is the meaning of his name? Reply must.

Answers of Quiz 1825 (Ahmed Raza Khan Barelvi)

1. On 14th Shawal 1272 AH / 14th June 1856 AD in Bareilly, UP, India 2. Muhammad 3. Barech tribe of Pushtuns 4. Naqi Ali Khan 5. Raza Ali Khan 6. In 1878 7. Ahmed Raza Khan Barelvi 8. Dar-ul-Uloom Manzar-e-Islam 9. (i) Muhammad, although human, possessed a noor (light) that predates creation (ii) He is Hazir Nazir (iii) God has granted him ilm-e-ghaib 10. (i) Qawali (ii) Tawaf of Tomb (iii) Sajda on shrines & tombs (iv) Tazieh, plays re-enacting religious scenes (v) Women going to visit tomb 11. Mirza Ghulam Ahmed Qadiani 12. Deoband, Wahhabism, Ahmediyyah & Shia sects 13. Law, Philosophy, Sciences 14. He declared that India is Dar-ul-Islam & here Muslims enjoy religious freedom, they are free to practice Islam. He said that Government has not imposed restrictions & prohibitions to follow Islam. According to him those arguing the contrary merely wanted to take advantage of the provisions allowing Muslims living under non-Muslim rule to collect interest f...

Quiz 1825 (Ahmed Raza Khan Barelvi)

Q1. When was he born? Q2. What was his birth name? Q3. What was his ethnicity? Q4. What was the name of his father? Q5. What was the name of his grandfather? Q6. When he went on Hajj? Q7. Who is the founder of Barelvi Movement / Ahle Sunnat Movement? Q8. What was the name of Madrassa which he founded? Q9. What were his beliefs regarding Holy Prophet (PBUH)? Q10. Which bida'ts he condemned? Q11. Who claimed to be Prophet at that time? Q12. Which sects he declared as Kafir? Q13. What were his contributions other than religion? Q14. What were his views about Indian Independence Movement? Q15. What words Allama Iqbal said about him? Q16. Which books he wrote? Q17. When he died? Q18. What was his total age? Q19. What were his titles? Q20. Who wrote the Naat Mustafa Jan-e-Rehmat Pe Lakhon Salam (Millions of salutations on Mustafa, the Paragon of Mercy)? Q21. When is his Urs celebrated? Q22. Which are the other Barelvi organizations? Q23. In ...

Answers of Quiz 1824 (World Diabetes Day)

1. On 14 November every year 2. Diabetes is a problem with your body that causes blood glucose (sugar) levels to rise higher than normal. 3. Urinating often, feeling very thirsty & hungary, extreme fatigue, weight loss 4. Yes 5. 3 types: i. Type 1 Diabetes: The body does not produce insulin. Patients with type 1 diabetes will need to take insulin injections for the rest of their life. ii. Type 2 Diabetes: The body does not produce enough insulin for proper function, or the cells in the body does not react to insulin. Some people may be able to control their type 2 diabetes symptoms by losing weight, following a healthy diet, doing planty of exercise, & monitoring their blood glucose levels. iii. Gestational diabetes: This type affects females during pregnancy. 6. Prediabetes means that your blood sugar is higher than normal but not high enough to be called Diabetes. 7. Type 2 8. By following tests: i. A1C Test: 6.5% means diabetes, between 5.7% to 5.99% means pred...

Quiz 1824 (World Diabetes Day)

Q1. When is World Diabetes Day observed? Q2. What is Diabetes? Q3. What are the symptoms of Diabetes? Q4. Is it a genetic disorder? Q5. How many types it has? Q6. What is Prediabetes? Q7. Approximately 90% of all diabetes worldwide are type --? Q8. How to determine whether you have diabetes, prediabetes or neither? Q9. What is Insulin? Q10. What is Insulin Therapy? Q11. What is Hyperglycemia? Q12. What is Hypoglycemia? Q13. What is Euglycemia? Q14. What is Blood Sugar? Q15. What is Glucose? Q16. What is the normal blood sugar level? Q17. What is Blood Pressure (BP)? Q18. What is Cholesterol? Q19. Which organ of the body produces glucose? Q20. Gestational Diabetes affects only? Q21. What is its treatment? Q22. Who discovered Insulin? Q23. What are the other names of Diabetes? Q24. What is it called in Urdu? Q25. What is the theme of World Diabetes Day 2017? Reply must.

Answers of Quiz 1823 (General Iskander Mirza)

1. On 13 November 1899 in Murshidabad, West Bengal, India 2. Sahibzada Syed Muhammad Fateh Ali Mirza 3. Dilshad Begum nee Tyabji 4. Great grandson 5. Bengali 6. 26 years (1920 to 1946) 7. 1st Defence Secretary of Pakistan 8. Iskander Mirza 9. From 24 October 1954 to 7 August 1955 10. On 7 August 1955 (till 23 March 1956) 11. From 7 August 1955 to 6 October 1955 12. Iskander Mirza 13. 2nd 14. 1 person (Chaudhry Muhammad Ali) 15. On 23 March 1956 (till 27 October 1958) 16. 5 persons (Chaudhry Muhammad Ali, Hussain Shaheed Suhrawardy, II Chundrigar, Feroze Khan Noon, General Ayub Khan) 17. On 7 October 1958 he imposed first Martial Law in Pakistan & appointed General Ayub Khan as Chief Martial Law Administrator (CMLA). Ayub Khan forced him to resign within 20 days. 18. General Ayub Khan 19. Iskander Mirza 20. Rifat Begum & Naheed Amirteymour 21. Cousin & friend 22. Humayun Mirza 23. Republican Party 24. London 25. On 13 November 1899 in London he die...

Quiz 1823 (General Iskander Mirza)

Q1. When was he born? Q2. Who was his father? Q3. Who was his mother? Q4. He was a -- of Mir Jafar. Q5. What was his ethnicity? Q6. How many years he served in military? Q7. He was appointed as 1st -- of Pakistan. Q8. Whom did Governor-General Malik Ghulam Muhammad appoint Governor of East Pakistan by imposing Governor's Rule? Q9. How many days he served as Interior Minister of Pakistan? Q10. When did he take oath as 4th Governor-General of Pakistan? Q11. How many days he served as acting Governor-General? Q12. Who was the only person to serve as acting Governor-General? Q13. He was --th Bengali Governor-General of Pakistan. Q14. How many Prime Ministers took oath under him when he was Governor-General? Q15. When did he take oath as first President of Pakistan? Q16. How many Prime Ministers took oath under him when he was President? Q17. When did he impose the first Martial Law in Pakistan? Q18. Whom did he appoint as Chief Martial Law Administr...

Answers of Quiz 1822 (World Pneumonia Day)

1. On 12 November every year 2. (C) One or both lungs 3. Symptoms: Cough, fever, shaking chills, shortness of breath 4. Your lungs make crackling, bubbling & rumbling sounds when you inhale. 5. Bacteria, Viruses, Mycoplasmas, other infectious agents such as fungi, various chemicals cause Pneumonia. 6. Risk factors of Pneumonia are: i. Cigarette smoking ii. Recent viral respiratory infection- a cold, laryngitis, influenza, etc iii. Difficulty swallowing (due to stroke, dementia, Parkinson's disease, or other neurological conditions) iv. Chronic lung disease such as COPD, bronchiectasis or cystic fibrosis v. Cerebral palsy vi. Other serious illnesses, such as heart disease, liver cirrhosis or diabetes vii. Living in a nursing facility viii. Impaired consciousness (loss of brain function due to dementia, stroke or other neurologic conditions) ix. Recent surgery or trauma x. Having a weakened immune system due to illness, certain medications & autoimmune disor...

Quiz 1822 (World Pneumonia Day)

Q1. When is World Pneumonia Day (WPD) observed? Q2. Pneumonia is a swelling (inflamation) of the tissue in ----- (A) One lung (B) Both lungs (C) One or both lungs Q3. What are its Symptoms? Q4. How is it diagnosed by stethoscope? Q5. What causes Pneumonia? Q6. What are risk factors? Q7. How it can be cured? Q8. What antibiotic is used? Q9. What medication is used? Q10. Which body system it affects? Q11. Is it a lung infection? Q12. Which disease is the number 1 infectious killer of children under age 5 worldwide? Q13. Is household air pollution a major cause of it? Q14. How many under 5 children it kills annually? Q15. How many persons it affects per year globally? Q16. What does COPD stand for? Q17. What does COLD stand for? Q18. What does GAVI stand for? Q19. What is Chest X-ray? Q20. What is CBC Blood Test? Q21. What is CT scan? Q22. What is Bronchoscopy? Q23. What is Pneumonia called in Urdu? Q24. What is the theme of World Pneumo...

Answers of Quiz 1821 (Maulana Abul Kalam Azad)

1. On 11 November 1888 in Makkah, Saudi Arabia 2. Abul Kalam Ghulam Muhiyuddin Azad 3. Muhammad Khairuddin (a Bengali) 4. Mother (an Arab) 5. Zulaikha Begum 6. In 1905 7. Azad 8. In 1923 9. Maulana Azad 10. About 10 years 11. Muslim Lord Haw-Haw & Congress Showboy 12. Mir-i-Karawan, The Emperor of learning, A Person of the calibre of Plato, Aristotle & Pythagorus 13. He was the only prominent Muslim scholar & statesman who worked against the creation of Pakistan. 14. Education Ministery 15. He is credited with the establishment of Indian Institutes of Technology & University Grants Commission. 16. Al-Hilal 17. India Wins Freedom, Ghubar-e-Khatir, Tazkirah, Tarjumanul Quran etc 18. On 22 February 1958 19. 69 years 20. Bharat Ratna 21. National Education Day 22. Maulana = Our Master Abul Kalam = Father of Speech Ghulam = Servant Muhyuddin = Reviver of Religion Azad = Free

Quiz 1821 (Maulana Abul Kalam Azad)

Q1. When was he born? Q2. What was his name in full? Q3. What was the name of his father? Q4. What was the name of his mother? Q5. What was the name of his spouse? Q6. When was he sent to Al-Azhar University for higher studies? Q7. What was his pen name? Q8. When he became the President of Indian National Congress? Q9. Who was the youngest to serve as the President of Indian National Congress? Q10. For how many years he was imprisoned by British Government? Q11. What titles Quaid-e-Azam gave to him in hostility? Q12. What title words Nehru & Gandhi said for him? Q13. Why he opposed partition of India? Q14. Which ministry he served after independence of India? Q15. What struggle he did for education? Q16. Which Urdu weekly newspaper he started? Q17. Which books he wrote? Q18. When he died? Q19. What was his total age? Q20. Which awards he received? Q21. What day is celebrated in India on his birth date? Q22. What is the meaning of his nam...

Answers of Quiz 1820

1. (D) Night time 2. (A) Lord Chelmsford 3. (A) Inability to sleep 4. (B) Pound 5. (B) Blocking 6. TLY = Tehrik Labbaik Ya Rasool Allah 7. Justice (Retd) Javaid Iqbal 8. (C) Dhaka 9. (D) 22 cm 10. (B) Snooker

Quiz 1820

Q1. The major part of Quran is revealed at? (A) Morning time (B) Day time (C) Evening time (D) Night time Q2. The Lacknow Pact was conceived by? (A) Lord Chelmsford (B) John Simon (C) Edward Cadogan (D) None of these Q3. Disease Insomnia means: (A) Inability to sleep (B) Colourblindess (C) Depression (D) None of these Q4. Currency of Syria is ----- (A) Dinar (B) Pound (C) Riyal (D) Dirham Q5. Choose the Synonym of Impeding: (A) Permitting (B) Blocking (C) Mesmerizing (D) Alluring (E) Stunning Q6. What does TLY stand for? Q7. Who is the Chairman of National Accountability Bureau (NAB)? Q8. The BIMSTEC secretariat is in ----- (A) New Delhi (B) Bangkok (C) Dhaka (D) Colombo Q9. The circumference of a circle is ----- cm when its diameter is 7 cm. (A) 22/7 (B) 7/22 (C) 7 (D) 22 Q10. Which was the favorite game of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah? (A) Golf (B) Snooker (C) Cricket (D) Hockey Reply must.

Answers of Quiz 1818

1. (C) 7 aayats 2. (C) Gopal Krishna Gokhale 3. (C) 7 colours 4. (B) 1939 5. (A) Starving 6. PASSCO = Pakistan Agricultural Storage & Services Corporation 7. Saad Hariri 8. (B) Kyrgyzstan 9. (c) 3/4 10. (A) Pakistan

Quiz 1818

Q1. Surah Fatiha contains ————— aayats. (A) 5 (B) 6 (C) 7 (D) 8 Q2. ----- was a political mentor to both, Muhammad Ali Jinnah and Mahatma Gandhi. (A) John Molesworth (B) Dadabhai Naoroji (C) Gopal Krishna Gokhale (D) Pherozeshah Mehta Q3. When white light is passed through a prism, it splits into __________ colours. (A) 5 (B) 6 (C) 7 (D) 8 Q4. The Second World War started in ----- (A) 1934 (B) 1939 (C) 1940 (D) 1942 Q5. Choose the word that is most nearly similar in meaning to the word RAVENOUS. (A) Starving (B) Voracious (C) Easily Broken (D) Highly Skilled Q6. What does PASSCO stand for? Q7. What is the name of Prime Minister of Lebanon who resigned on 5 November 2017? Q8. Bishkek is the capital of ----- (A) Azerbaijan (B) Kyrgyzstan (C) Turkmenistan (D) Tajikistan Q9. When we convert 0.75 into the rational number, we get? (A) 1/2 (B) 1/3 (C) 3/4 (D) 1/7 Q10. The game of Hockey was originated from: (A) Pakistan (B) England (C) Austr...

Answers of Quiz 1817 (Bahadur Shah Zafar)

1. On 30 Sha'ban 1189 AH / 24 October 1775 AD in Delhi 2. Abu Zafar Sirajuddin Muhammad Bahadur Shah Zafar 3. Akbar-II 4. Lal Bai 5. Ashraf Mahal, Akhtar Mahal, Zinat Mahal, Taj Mahal 6. 22 sons 7. 32 daughters 8. 20 years (1837 to 1857) 9. Zafar 10. Ghalib, Dagh, Mumin, Zauq 11. Urdu 12. In 1857 13. Bahadur Shah-II 14. Rangoon, Burma 15. On 14 Jamadi ul Awwal 1279 AH / 7 November 1862 AD 16. 87 years 17. Akbar-II 18. Queen Victoria (Empress of India), Mughal Empire abolished 19. Mughal Dynasty was founded by Babur in 1526. 20. 15 years (1540 to 1556) 21. Upto 1707 by Aurangzeb (166 years) 22. 17 kings 23. Bahadur Shah-II 24. 316 years (1526 to 1857) 25. Sepoy Mutiny, Sepoy Rebellion, Great Mutiny, Revolt of 1857 26. Sirajuddin = Lamp of the religion Muhammad = Praiseworthy Bahadur = Brave Shah = King Zafar = Victory