Quiz 1827 (Migration to Madina)

Q1. In which year Hazoor (SAWW) migrated from Makkah to Madina?

Q2. In which year of Prophethood, Hazoor (SAWW) migrated?

Q3. What was the age of Hazoor (SAWW) when he migrated?

Q4. What was the reason of migration to Madina?

Q5. In migration Hazoor (SAWW) was accompanied by?

Q6. How many Sahaba migrated with Hazoor (SAWW)?

Q7. What was the contribution of Hazrat Ali (RA) in the night of migration?

Q8. What was the name of dromedry Hazoor (SAWW) was riding during the journey?

Q9. Who was the host of Hazoor (SAWW) in Madina?

Q10. What were called the Sahaba who migrated with Hazoor (SAWW)?

Q11. What were called the Sahaba who welcomed them in Madina?

Q12. How the name of Yasrab changed?

Q13. How many years Hazoor (SAWW) spent in Madina?

Q14. In Madina, Hazoor (SAWW) established an Islamic society based on?

Q15. Which was the first mosque built by Hazoor (SAWW) in Medina?

Q16. In which Surah the migration is mentioned?

Q17. Who introduced the Hijri Calendar?

Q18. After how many years of migration, the Hijri Calendar was started?

Q19. What is migration called in Urdu?

Q20. How many years have been passed since migration?
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