Answers of Quiz 1827 (Migration to Madina)

1. On 27th Safar 0 Hijri (622 AD)
2. In 13th year of Prophethood
3. 53 years
4. The opposition of Quresh to Islam became so fierce & terrible that Hazoor (SAWW) had to ask the believers to migrate to Madina.
5. Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique (RA)
6. 45 Sahaba
7. Hazrat Ali (RA) risked his life by sleeping in Hazoor (SAWW)'s bed to impersonate him & thwart an assassination plot so that Hazoor (SAWW) could escape in safety. This night is called Laila-tul-Mabit. Hazrat Ali (RA) survived the plot, but risked his life again by staying in Makkah to carry out Hazoor (SAWW)'s instructions: to restore to their owners all the goods & properties that had been entrusted to Hazoor (SAWW) for safekeeping.
8. Al-Kiswa
9. Hazrat Abu Ayub Ansari (RA)
10. Muhajirs
11. Ansari
12. Because of migration of Hazoor (SAWW) to Yasrab, its name changed to Madina-tun-Nabi.
13. 10 years
14. 3 principles (All power belongs to Allah, Muhammad SAWW is His Prophet, & all Muslims are brothers to one another.
15. Quba Mosque
16. Surah At-Tauba
17. Hazrat Umar Farooque (RA)
18. After 17 years of Hijra (638 AD)
19. Hijrat
20. 1439 years


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