Answers of Quiz 1824 (World Diabetes Day)

1. On 14 November every year
2. Diabetes is a problem with your body that causes blood glucose (sugar) levels to rise higher than normal.
3. Urinating often, feeling very thirsty & hungary, extreme fatigue, weight loss
4. Yes
5. 3 types:
i. Type 1 Diabetes: The body does not produce insulin. Patients with type 1 diabetes will need to take insulin injections for the rest of their life.
ii. Type 2 Diabetes: The body does not produce enough insulin for proper function, or the cells in the body does not react to insulin. Some people may be able to control their type 2 diabetes symptoms by losing weight, following a healthy diet, doing planty of exercise, & monitoring their blood glucose levels.
iii. Gestational diabetes: This type affects females during pregnancy.
6. Prediabetes means that your blood sugar is higher than normal but not high enough to be called Diabetes.
7. Type 2
8. By following tests:
i. A1C Test: 6.5% means diabetes, between 5.7% to 5.99% means prediabetes, less than 5.7% means normal
ii. FPG Test: 126 mg/dl means diabetes, between 100 to 125.99 means prediabetes, less than 100 means normal
iii. OGT Test: 200 mg/dl means diabetes, between 140 to 199.9 means prediabetes, less than 140 means normal
9. Insulin a hormone that is needed to convert sugar, starches & other food into energy needed for daily life.
10. Treatment of diabetes
11. High Blood Glucose
12. Low Blood Glucose
13. A normal level of glucose in the blood
14. Blood sugar is the main sugar found in the blood & the body's main source of energy.
15. Glucose is simple sugar found in blood that serves as the body's main source of energy.
16. 70 to 99
17. Blood Pressure (BP) is the measure of the force of blood pushing against blood vessel walls.
18. Cholesterol is a waxy, fat-like substance that's found in all cells of the body.
19. Pancreas
20. Females
21. Heathy diet, physical exercise, not using tobacco & normal body weight
22. Canadian physician Frederick Banting & medical student Charles H. Best
23. Sugar
24. Shakar
25. Women and diabetes - Our right to a healthy future


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