Quiz 1838 ( Madani Life of Hazoor SAWW)

Q1. Which year is called "The Year of Hijra"?

Q2. What was the Constitution of Madina?

Q3. What was Treaty of Hudaibiya?

Q4. What is the number of Ghazwa?

Q5. What is the number of Sariya?

Q6. Which was the first Ghazwa?

Q7. Which was the last Ghazwa?

Q8. In which Ghazwa his teeth were martyred?

Q9. In which year Battle of Badr was fought?

Q10. In which year Battle of Uhud was fought?

Q11. In which year Battle of Trench was fought?

Q12. In which year Battle of Khyber was fought?

Q13. In which year Battle of Hunain was fought?

Q14. In which year Battle of Tabook was fought?

Q15. How many times Hazoor (SAWW) performed Hajj?

Q16. How many times Hazoor (SAWW) performed Umrah?

Q17. How many wives died in his lifetime?

Q18. Who was his last wife?

Q19. Which book was revealed on him?

Q20. How many times his name has been mentioned in Quran?

Q21. In which Surah he has been named Ahmed?

Q22. In how many years revelation was completed?

Q23. In which year he wrote letters to Kings?

Q24. In which year Hujja tul Wida took place?
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