Answers of Quiz 1832 ( Hazrat Abdul Mutallib)

1. In 480 AD
2. Shaybah bin Hashim
3. Shaybat al-Hamd
4. Hashim bin Abd Manaf
5. Al-Mutallib
6. Salma bint Amr
7. 1 brother: Asad
8. No sisters
9. Sumrah, Lubna, Fatima, Hala, Natila, Mumanna
10. Haris, Abu Talib (or Abad Manaf), Zubair, Abdullah, Abu Lahab (Abdul Uzza), Hamza, Mughira, Al-Moqaowwim (Abdul Kaba), Abbas Zarrar
11. Barrah, Arwa, Umama, Atika, Umm Hakim al-Bayda (maternal grandmother of Usman Ghani), Safia
12. Hazrat Ismail (AS)
13. After the death of his uncle Al-Mutallib
14. Watering & feeding the pilgrims
15. He said that while sleeping in the sacred enclosure, he had dreamed that he was ordered to dig at the slaughter-place of the Quraysh between the two idols Isaf & Naila. There he would find the Zamzam well, which the Jurhum tribe had filled in when they left Makkah. The Quresh tried to stop him digging in that spot, but his son Al-Harith stood guard until they gave up their protests. After three days of digging, he found traces of an old well.
16. Nufayl bin Abdul Uzza (Grandfather of Umar Farooq)
17. Abraha al-Ashram
18. Year of Elephant (Aam-ul-Feel)
19. Allah commanded small birds (ababeel) to destroy Abraha's army, raining down pebbles on it from their beaks.
20. In Surah Al-Feel
21. After 1 year in 571 AD
22. Al-Harith was Abdul Mutallib's only son at the time when he dug the Zamzam Well. When the Quresh were trying to stop his digging, he vowed that if he were to have ten sons to protect him, he would sacrifice one of them to Allah at the Kaba. Later, after nine more sons had been born to him, he told them he must keep the vow. The divination arrows fell upon his favorite son Abdullah. The Quresh protested his intention to sacrifice his son & demanded that he sacrifice something else instead. He agreed to consult a sorceress with a familiar spirit. She told him to cast lots between Abdullah & ten camels. If Abdullah were chosen, he had to add ten more camels, & keep on doing the same until his Lord accepted the camels in Abdullah's place. When the number of camels reached 100, the lot fell on the camels. He confirmed this by repeating the test three times. Then the camels were sacrificed & Abdullah was spared.
23. Hala bint Wuhayb
24. 6 months
25. Muhammad
26. He sacrificed a lamb on the 6th day of birth of Hazoor (SAWW).
27. 8 years
28. 8 years
29. In 578 AD / 10th Rabi ul Awwal
30. 98 years
31. His son Abu Talib
32. 2 sons: Hamza & Abbas
33. 1 daughter: Safia (some state 3: Arwa, Atika & Safia)
34. Abdul Mutallib = Slave of Mutallib (Mutallib was his uncle)
Shaybah = the ancient one, white-haired


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