Quiz 2026 (Hazrat Younus AS)

Q1. He is called Zun-Noon: (A) Hazrat Ismail AS (B) Hazrat Younus AS (C) Hazrat Haroon AS (D) Hazrat Esa AS Q2. How long Hazrat Younus (AS) remained in the abdomen of the fish? (A) 20 days (B) 30 days (C) 40 days (D) 50 days Q3. What was the name of his father? Q4. How many times Hazrat Younus (AS) is mentioned in the Holy Quran? Q5. Which Prophet is called Sahib-ul-Hoot (Companion of the Whale) in the Holy Quran? Q6. Surah Younus is the ----- Surah of the Holy Quran. (A) 8th (B) 9th (C) 10th (D) 11th Q7. What is Hazrat Younus (AS) called in English? Reply must.