Quiz 2022 (World No Tobacco Day)

Q1. When is World No Tobacco Day (WNTD) observed?

Q2. When was the WNTD 1st time observed?

Q3. What is Smoking?

Q4. What is Passive Smoking?

Q5. Which body system it affects?
(A) Digestive System
(B) Respiratory System
(C) Reproductive System
(D) Excretory System

Q6. Cigarette smoke contains -----
(A) Nicotine
(B) Tar
(C) CO
(D) All of these

Q7. Which gases contains Smoke?

Q8. Which organ is affected by Smoking?
(A) Pancreas
(B) Liver
(C) Lungs
(D) Kidneys

Q9. Heavy Smoking can also damage the ---

Q10. Smoking leads to diseases like -----

Q11. How smoking affects the body?

Q12. What is Tobacco?

Q13. Tobacco use is an important risk factor for the development of -----

Q14. Tobacco products are -----

Q15. How smoking causes cardiovascular ailments?

Q16. How smoking increases the chances of blood clotting (coagulation)?

Q17. Which two main parts of lungs are damaged by smoking?

Q18. How smoking develops emphysema?

Q19. How smoking affects a pregnant woman?

Q20. How smoking affects lactating mothers?

Q21. Which are the three main ingredients of Cigarette Smoke?

Q22. How a Smoker gets "Smokers Cough"?

Q23. Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) kill more people than any other cause of death worldwide, and tobacco use and second-hand smoke exposure contribute to approximately ----- of all heart disease deaths.

Q24. Tobacco use is the second leading cause of CVD after -----

Q25. The global tobacco epidemic kills more than ----- people each year, of which close to 900 000 are non-smokers dying from breathing second-hand smoke.

Q26. This is about one in five deaths annually, or ----- deaths every day.

Q27. On average, smokers die ----- years earlier than nonsmokers.

Q28. According to WHO Smoking could become the world's biggest killer by the year -----

Q29. Which are the top ten largest tobacco producing countries of the world by 2018?

Q30. Which are the top ten largest tobacco consuming countries of the world by 2018?

Q31. Which are the top ten tobacco companies in the world by 2018?

Q32. What is the work of WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC)?

Q33. What is the theme for WNTD 2018?
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