Quiz 1931

Q1. Where did Hazrat Umar (RA) embrace Islam? (A) House of Hazrat Ali RA (B) House of Hazrat Usman RA (C) Khana Kaba (D) Dar-e-Arqam Q2. Pakistani human rights lawyer Asma Jahangir passed away on ----- (A) 11 February 2018 (B) 12 February 2018 (C) 13 February 2018 (D) 14 February 2018 Q3. Guava has the highest level of ----- (A) Vitamin C (B) Vitamin B4 (C) Vitamin D (D) Vitamin K Q4. The south pole of the earth is located in ----- (A) Norway (B) Antarctica (C) Arctic Ocean (D) Pacific Ocean Q5. Oxford Dictionaries' word of the year 2017 is ----- (A) Milkshake Duck (B) Feminism (C) Youthquake (D) Complicit Q6. What does FATF stand for? Q7. Who is the Foreign Office (FO) Spokesperson of Pakistan? Q8. Which is the most traded product of the world? (A) Oil (B) Coffee (C) Tea (D) Wheat Q9. A bat is bought for Rs. 800 and sold at a gain of 20%. Find its Selling Price. (A) 850 (B) 920 (C) 960 (D) 984 Q10. Which team became 2017 PSL Champio...