Quiz 1924 (International Scouts Day)

Q1. When is International Scouts Day observed?

Q2. Who was the founder of Boy Scouting Movement?

Q3. Who is called a scout?

Q4. When was it founded?

Q5. Who was the 1st Chief Scout?

Q6. What is called Scouting for Boys?

Q7. Which are the 3 major scouting age groups for boys?

Q8. Who organizes the Scouting programme in the schools?

Q9. What is the motto of Scouting?

Q10. At what age can Boy Scouting be joined?

Q11. What is called Scouting for girls?

Q12. Who was the founder of Girls Scounting Movement?

Q13. What kind of uniform do Girl Guides wear?

Q14. Which are the 3 major scouting age groups for girls?

Q15. In what kind of activities Girl Guides are involved?

Q16. What is the aim of Girl Guiding?

Q17. Which day is celebrated on 22 February by Girl Scouts?

Q18. What does WAGGGS stand for?

Q19. Who was the 1st Chief Scout of Pakistan?
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