Answers of Quiz 1917 (YouTube)

1. On 14 February 2005
2. Steve Chen, Chad Hurley, Javed Karim
3. Susan Wojcicki
4. Californea, US
5. (a) True
7. In 2006
8. (a) True
9. Yes
10. No only registered users can upload videos
11. Flash Adobe Player plug-in
12. By HTML5
13. Its the web address for every country
14. Turkey
15. To unblock its access
16. Create your YouTube channel and upload your videos. Go in settings and monetize your channel.
17. On January 16, 2018, the eligibility requirement for monetization was changed to 4,000 hours of watchtime within the past 12 months and 1,000 subscribers.
18. (C) Google AdSense
19. (D) 400 hours
20. (C) 1 Billion hours
21. (A) 2nd
22. 13 years
23. On 29 September 2016
24. Educational videos, information lectures helpful for studies
25. It is misused. It should not be used against any religion


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