Quiz 2282 (Mirza Ghulam Ahmed)

Q1. When was he born?

Q2. His ancestor Mirza Hadi Beg founded the town known today as Qadian during the reign of the Mughal King -----

Q3. His father, Mirza Ghulam Murtaza was a -----

Q4. In the year ----- he took a pledge of allegiance from 40 of his supporters at Ludhiana and formed a community of followers upon what he claimed was divine instruction, stipulating 10 conditions of initiation, an event that marks the establishment of the Ahmadiyya Movement.

Q5. What claims he made?

Q6. On ----- he founded the Ahmadiyya community by taking a pledge from forty followers.

Q7. What are called his followers?

Q8. What was the name of his spouse?

Q9. What were the names of his sons?

Q10. What were the names of his daughters?

Q11. Which books he wrote?

Q12. When he died?

Q13. What was his total age?

Q14. After his death he was succeeded by his close companion ----- who assumed the title of Khalifatul Masih (successor of the Messiah).

Q15. Which is the only state that specifically requires every Pakistani Muslim to denigrate Ghulam Ahmad as an impostor and his followers as non-Muslims when applying for a passport or a national ID card.

Q16. On ----- Constitution of Pakistan declared Ahmedis (or Qadianis) as non-Muslims.
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