Answers of Quiz 2272 (Sir Chaudhry Muhammad Zafarullah Khan)

1. On 6 February 1893 in Sialkot
2. His father was Nasrullah Khan who was a companion of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. His father belonged to the Sahi Jat clan while his mother was of the Bajwa Jat clan and from both sides were Zamindars.
3. In 1926
4. From 27 December 1947 to 24 October 1954
5. From 1961 to 1964
6. 1st Asian
7. 1st Muslim
8. 1st and only Pakistani
9. United Nations General Assembly (UNGA)
10. Sir Chaudhry Muhammad Zafarullah Khan
11. Books
(1) The Excellent Exemplar Muhammad: The Messenger of Allah
(2) The Message of Islam
(3) Victory of Prayer Over Prejudice
(4) Letter to a Dear One
(5) Hazrat Maulvi Nooruddeen Khalifatul Masih I
(6) Islam and Human Rights
(7) Wisdom of the Holy Prophet
(8) Islam – Its Meaning for Modern Man
(9) Punishment of Apostacy in Islam
(10) Women in Islam
(11) Muhammad: Seal of the Prophets
(12) My Mother
(13) Deliverance from the Cross
(14) Islam and Modern Family
12. On 1 September 1985 in Lahore
13. 92 years
14. Chaudhry = "Holder of four" (four denoting a measure of land, from chadhur (four) and dhar (to hold or possess), "Head of a community or caste"
Muhammad = "Praised, commendable, laudable"
Zafarullah = "Victory of Allah"
Khan = "Commander", "leader", or "ruler", "king" and "chief"


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