Quiz 2235 (Rabi-us-Sani)

Q1. What is the meaning of word "Rabi us Sani"?

Q2. Which month comes before it?

Q3. Which month comes after it?

Q4. What is its number in Islamic Calendar?

Q5. How many days it has?

Q6. Is it one of four forbidden months?

Q7. If we arrange 12 Islamic months in alphabetical order on what number it will come?

Q8. If we arrange 12 Islamic months in alphabetical order, what will be its predecessor month?

Q9. If we arrange 12 Islamic months in alphabetical order what will be its successor month?

Q10. When Abbasid Caliphate started?

Q11. When was Hazrat Imam Hassan ul Askari born?

Q12. When Hazrat Ghous ul Azam Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jeelani died?

Q13. When famous saint Hazrat Nizamuddin Aulia died?

Q14. When famous poet Khawaja Ghulam Farid died?
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