Quiz 2233 (December)

Q1. What is the meaning of December?

Q2. What is the number of December month in Gregorian calendar?

Q3. How many days December has?

Q4. How many months end with syllabus "ber"?

Q5. Which month comes before December?

Q6. Which month comes after December?

Q7. Where December comes before November?

Q8. How many letters December has?

Q9. December is the ---th month having 31 days.

Q10. Which month is seasonal equivalent of December in Northern Hemisphere?

Q11. In which Hemisphere daylight hours in December are the shortest?

Q12. In which Hemisphere daylight hours in December are the longest?

Q13. Which other month starts on the same day as December?

Q14. Which other month ends on the same day as December?

Q15. Which is the shortest day of the year?

Q16. Which is the longest night of the year?

Q17. If we arrange 12 Gregorian months in alphabetical order, on what number December will come?

Q18. If we arrange 12 Gregorian months in alphabetical order, which month will come before December?

Q19. If we arrange 12 Gregorian months in alphabetical order, which month will come after December?
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