Answers of Quiz 2147 (Iraq)

1. On 3 October 1932 from UK
2. Western Asia
3. Turkey: North
Iran: East
Kuwait: Southeast
Saudi Arabia: South
Jordan: Southwest
Syria: West
4. Baghdad
5. Baghdad
6. Iraqi Dinar (IQD)
7. Arabic, Kurdish
8. Islam
9. Iraqi
10. Republic of Iraq
11. Mesopotamia
12. Allahu Akbar
13. Mawtini
14. 1 PKR = 10.95 IQD
15. Barham Salih
16. Adil Abdul-Mahdi
17. 36th
18. 59th
19. 37th
20. 47th
21. A horizontal tricolour of red, white & black charged with the Takbir in green Kufic script, centered on the white stripe
22. Mesopotamian Civilization
23. Hazrat Ali (RA)
24. Al-Mansur
25. On 14 July 1958
26. About 8 years
27. 24 years
28. ISIS = Islamic State of Iraq & Syria
ISIL = Islamic State of Iraq & the Levant
DAESH = ad-Dawlah al-Islamiyah fil Iraq wa-sh-Sham
29. Tigris, Euphrates
30. Baghdad, Karbala, Basra, Mosul, Kirkuk, Samarra, Fallujah, Tikrit, Najaf, Madain


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