Answers of Quiz 2084 (Switzerland)

1. On 1st August
2. Western & Central Europe
3. Italy to South
France to West
Germany to North
Austria & Liechtenstein to East
4. Bern
5. Zurich is the largest city of Switzerland. Its also the headquarters of FIFA.
6. Swiss Franc (CHF)
7. German, French, Italian, Romansh
8. Christianity
9. Playground of Europe
10. Swiss
11. About 110 Pakistani rupees
12. Alain Berset
13. Ueli Maurer
14. Yes
15. Switzerland
16. Switzerland
17. Switzerland
18. Switzerland
19. Switzerland
20. Geneva
21. Geneva
22. Henri Dunant was a Swiss social activist & the founder of Red Cross. He was the 1st recipient of Nobel Peace Prize in 1901.


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