Quiz 2001 (Hazrat Shees AS)

Q1. He was the youngest son of Hazrat Adam (AS).
(A) Hazrat Shees AS
(B) Cain
(C) Abel
(D) None of these

Q2. The age of Hazrat Adam (AS) at the birth of Hazrat Shees (AS) was -----
(A) 230 years
(B) 240 years
(C) 250 years
(D) 260 years

Q3. What was the name of his mother?

Q4. What were the names of his brothers?

Q5. What were the names of his sisters?

Q6. What was the name of his son?

Q7. Is Hazrat Shees (AS) mentioned in the Holy Quran?

Q8. What is Hazrat Shees (AS) called in English?

Q9. What was the mother-tongue of Hazrat Shees (AS)?

Q10. Hazrat Shees (AS) was the ----- Prophet.
(A) 1st
(B) 2nd
(C) 3rd
(D) 4th

Q11. How many Heavenly Scriptures were descended upon him?

Q12. Hazrat Shees (AS) married his sister -----

Q13. The 1st murder on earth was ----- brother of Hazrat Shees (AS).

Q14. Which of his brothers was murderer?

Q15. What was the total age of Hazrat Shees (AS)?

Q16. Who was his predecessor?

Q17. Who was his successor?

Q18. Holy Prophet (PBUH) was from Hazrat Adam's (AS) son -----
(A) Cain
(B) Abel
(C) Hazrat Shees AS
(D) None of these
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