Quiz 1993 (Faith in Allah)

Q1. How many Articles of Faith are?

Q2. Which is the 1st Article of Faith?

Q3. What is Tauheed?

Q4. How many kinds of Tauheed are?

Q5. How many Articles of Faith are mentioned in Holy Quran?

Q6. How many names of Allah are mentioned in Holy Quran?

Q7. What is Iman-e-Mujammil?

Q8. What is Iman-e-Mufassil?

Q9. What does the word "Allah" mean?
(A) Obeyed
(B) Worth Worship
(C) Only Being Worth Worship
(D) None of these

Q10. ----- is called the oneness of Allah.
(A) Prophethood
(B) Akhirat
(C) Tauheed
(D) Barzakh

Q11. One who does not believe in Tauheed is called -----
(A) Mushrik
(B) Munkir
(C) Kafir
(D) Fasiq

Q12. All the prophets taught the lesson of -----
(A) Peace
(B) Brotherhood
(C) Tauheed
(D) Equality

Q13. What is Shirk?

Q14. Shirk is the opposite of -----

Q15. How many types of Shirk are?

Q16. In Islam, the greatest of all the sins is -----
(A) Murder
(B) Lie
(C) Shirk
(D) Bribe

Q17. ----- is against all sorts of Shirk.
(A) Hinduism
(B) Judaism
(C) Christianity
(D) Islam

Q18. Islam is ----- religion in the world.
(A) Polytheistic
(B) Bitheistic
(C) Monotheistic
(D) Atheistic

Q19. How many approaches are to understand Tauheed?

Q20. What is called a man who believes in Allah and Prophet but does not believe in the finality of Hazoor (SAWW)?

Q21. Surah Al-Ikhlas is about which Article of Faith?

Q22. Kalima Tayyaba is about which Article of Faith?
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