Answers of Quiz 2006 (Hazrat Saleh AS)

1. (B) Samood
2. Aad
3. (C) Samood
4. (C) Both A and B
5. al-Hijr (Madain Saleh), in Arabian Peninsula
6. (B) Samood
7. (D) Hazrat Saleh AS
8. Sunday
9. (A) Earthquake
10. (C) She-camel
11. (A) Bani Samood
12. (A) Hazrat Ilyas AS
13. 180 years
14. 9 times
15. The people of Samood gathered at their meeting place, in the shadows of a great mountain. They demanded that Saleh prove that the One God he spoke of was truly mighty and strong.  They asked him to perform a miracle – to cause a unique and incomparable she camel to emerge from the nearby mountains. Saleh addressed his people asking, if the camel appeared would they then believe in his message.  They answered a resounding yes, and together the people prayed with Saleh for the miracle to occur. By the grace of God, an enormous, ten month pregnant she camel emerged from the rocks at the bottom of the mountain. Some of the people understood the magnitude of this miracle but the majority continued to disbelieve. They saw a great and dazzling sight yet remained arrogant and stubborn.


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