Quiz 1983 (William Shakespeare)

Q1. When was he born?

Q2. What was the name of his father?

Q3. What was the name of his mother?

Q4. What were the names of his brothers?

Q5. What were the names of his sisters?

Q6. What was the name of his spouse?

Q7. What were the names of his sons?

Q8. What were the names of his daughters?

Q9. What was his father?

Q10. What was his occupation?

Q11. How many plays, sonnets, poems he wrote?

Q12. Which are his best plays and poems?

Q13. When he died?

Q14. What was his total age?

Q15. What were his titles?

Q16. Who is regarded as the greatest writer in the English language?

Q17. Who is the national poet of England?

Q18. Which other great English poet also died on 23 April?

Q19. When is UN English Language Day observed every year?

Q20. When is World Book and Copyright Day observed every year?

Q21. When will his 400th death anniversary be commenced?
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