Quiz 1946 (World Sleep Day)

Q1. When is World Sleep Day observed?

Q2. What is sleep?

Q3. What causes sleep?

Q4. How necessary is it?

Q5. What happens if a man is kept awake for several days?

Q6. What are some good ways of relaxing?

Q7. What happens to our nerves when we sleep?

Q8. How much sleep do humans need?

Q9. Why do children & babies require more sleep than adults?

Q10. Is it related to memory?

Q11. What is called the scientific study of sleep?

Q12. What is Arabic word for sleep?

Q13. What are some disorders?

Q14. What is dream?

Q15. What is day dreaming?

Q16. What is Insomnia?

Q17. What is Somnambulism?

Q18. What is slogan for World Sleep Day 2018?

Q19. What are some advantages of sleep?

Q20. What are disadvantages?

Q21. What is sleep called poetically?

Q22. Is death spoken of as the last sleep?

Q23. Does sleep make us believe to wake up on the Day of Judgement?
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