Answers of Quiz 1951 (Arab League)

1. On 22 March 1945 in Cairo (73 years ago)
2. Cairo, Egypt
3. Arabic
4. Arabs
5. 22 members
6. 4 states: Brazil, Eritrea, India & Venezuela
7. 12 members: Bahrain, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, UAE, Yemen
8. 10 members: Algeria, Comoros, Djibouti, Egypt, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Somalia, Sudan, Tunisia
9. Jamiat ad-Duwal al-Arabiyah
10. Arab Parliament
11. Draw closer the relations between member states & coordinate collaboration between them, to safeguard their independence & sovereignty, & to consider in a general way the affairs & interests of the Arab countries.
12. 6 members: Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia & Syria
13. League of Arab States
14. On 2nd June 1964
15. 34 Summits
16. 11 Summits
17. Egypt
18. Comoros
19. Ahmed Aboul Gheit
20. Ali Al-Daqbaashi
21. Lebanon
22. ALECSO = Arab League Educational, Cultural & Scientific Organization
23. CAEU = Council of Arab Economic Unity
24. Palestine
25. The highest body of the league is the League Council, composed of representatives of member states, usually foreign ministers, their representatives or permanent delegates. Each member state has one vote, irrespective of its size. The council meets twice a year, in March and September, and may convene a special session at the request of two members.
26. (A) North Sudan
27. The Arab League is divided into five parts when it comes to transport, with the Arabian Peninsula and the Near East being entirely connected by air, sea, roads and railways. Another part of the League is the Nile Valley, made up of Egypt and Sudan. These two member states have started to improve the River Nile's navigation system to improve accessibility and thus foster trading. A new railway system is also set to connect the southern Egyptian city of Abu Simbel with the northern Sudanese city of Wadi Halfa and then to Khartoum and Port Sudan. The third division of the League is the Maghreb, where a 3,000 km stretch of railway runs from the southern cities of Morocco to Tripoli in Western Libya. The fourth division of the League is the Horn of Africa, whose member states include Djibouti and Somalia. These two Arab League states are separated by only ten nautical miles from the Arabian Peninsula by the Bab el Mandeb and this is quickly changing as Tarik bin Laden, the brother of Osama bin Laden, has initiated the construction of the ambitious Bridge of the Horns project, which ultimately aims to connect the Horn of Africa with the Arabian Peninsula via a massive bridge. The project is intended to facilitate and accelerate the already centuries-old trade and commerce between the two regions. The last division of the League is the isolated island of Comoros, which is not physically connected to any other Arab state, but still trades with other League members.
28. Qatar
29. Syria
30. Establishment of the Joint Arab Force (JAF) with the aim of counteracting extremism & other threats to the Arab States. The decision was reached while Operation Decisive Storm was intensifying in Yemen. The participation in the project is voluntary & the army intervenes only at the request of one of the member states. The growing militarization of the region & the increase in violent civil wars as well as terrorist movements are the reason behind the creation of the JAF, financed by the rich Gulf countries.
31. The flag of the Arab League comprises a green banner bearing the seal of the Arab League. The twenty-two links in the chain represent the twenty-two members of the League at the time of the flag's adoption.
32. Non-Aligned Movement (NAM), African Union (AU), United Nations (UN) & Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN)


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