Answers of Quiz 1949 (Ibn Khaldun)

1. On 27 May 1332 Tunis, Tunisia, North Africa
2. Abu Zayd Abdul Rehman bin Muhammad bin Khaldun al-Hadhrami
3. Yemenite Arab
4. Maliki
5. Ash'ari
6. Sociology, Historiogrphy, Economics, Demography, Political Science, Complex Sciences
7. Cyclical Theory of Empires, Asabiyyah, Economic Growth Theory, Supply & Demand Theory
8. Muqaddimah
9. Yahya Khaldun
10. Mecca, Damascus, Palestine & Seville
11. King Pedro-I of Castile & Timur
12. The Hafsid Sultan of Bougie, Abu Abdullah
13. Arc Philosophy of History, Lubab al-Muhassal fi Usul al-Din, Lubab-ul-Muhassal, Hujjiyat al Sunnah etc
14. Ibn Khaldun
15. On 19 March 1406
16. 74 years
17. Cairo, Egypt
18. Shaikh of All Social Scientists
19. On 19 March 2006 in Spain
20. Sociology, Historiography, Demography & Economics
21. In 2004
22. Tunisian National Dialogue Quartet
23. Abdul = Servant
Rehman = Compassionate


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