Answers of Quiz 1946 (World Sleep Day)

1. 2nd Friday of March (16 March 2018)
2. Sleep is a condition of body & mind in which the nervous system is relatively inactive, the eyes closed, the postural muscles relaxed & consciousness practically suspended.
3. One theory is that the physical activities of the waking hours gradually produce poisonous waste matter in the tissues which affects the brain & eventually induce sleep. During sleep the excess of poisonous matter is got rid of & when the tissues are clear of it, consciousness returns & we wake up refreshed & invigorated for the activities of another day.
4. Sleep is almost as necessary to our life as food.
5. It will be fatal to keep a person without sleep for several days. Lack of sleep causes fatigue which makes people ill-tampered. It slows up their thinking powers & causes them to make mistakes.
6. Sitting or lying down
7. Our nerves take rest when we sleep.
8. At least 6 hours
9. Because children & babies grow during sleep
10. Yes
11. Somnology or Hypnology
12. Naum
13. Dyssomnias (Insomnia, Hypersomnia, Sleep apnea), Parasomnia (Sleepwalking, REM behaviour disorder), Ciradian rhythm sleeping disorder
14. Dreams are mental images & they prove that a part of the brain works during sleep.
15. A short-term detachment from one's immediate surroundings, during which a person's contact with reality is blurred & partially substituted by a visionary fantasy.
16. Difficulty falling asleep & staying asleep
17. Sleep walking
18. 'Join the Sleep World, Preserve Your Rhythms to Enjoy Life'
19. Adequate sleep is a key part of a healthy lifestyle
20. Lack of sleep causes fatigue which makes people ill-tempered
21. Sister of death
22. Yes
23. Yes


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