Answers of Quiz 1945 (Telenor Cellular Service)

1. In 2004 (Norway)
2. On 15 March 2005
3. Islamabad
4. Michael Foley
5. The Smart Call
6. Mobile telephony, mobile banking
7. 345
9. Send blank SMS to 7421
10. To check balance dial *444#, to check free minutes dial *222#
11. *111#
12. *999#
13. *1*1*Number*Amount#
14. **62*0092345Number#
15. *7799#
16. Daily Package = 150 SMS dial *345*116#
5 Day Package = 300 SMS dial *345*015#
7 Day Package = 800 SMS dial *345*117#
17. Talkshawk 75 Package = Rs. 0.75 + Tax / 30 seconds on Telenor to Telenor, Telenor to other networks & Telenor to PTCL numbers.
18. Easypaisa
19. BVS is any means by which a person can be uniquely identified by evaluating one or more distinguishing biological traits. Unique identifiers include finger prints, hand geometry, earlobe geometry, retina & iris patterns, voice waves, DNA & signatures.
20. Send CNIC number to 668
21. Send a blank SMS to 667
22. Bring original CNIC to a nearest Biometric Verification Centre
23. 13 years


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