Answers of Quiz 1892 (Vladimir Lenin)

1. On 22 April 1870
2. Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov
3. In 1903
4. He campaigned for the First World War to be transformed into a Europe-wide proletarian revolution, which as a Marxist he believed would cause the overthrow of capitalism & its replacement with socialism.
5. In Poland
6. Germany
7. In 1918
8. By February Revolution
9. 7-8 November 1917
10. October Revolution
11. In 1922
12. In 1902
13. From 8 November 1917 to 21 January 1924
14. (i) The State & Revolution (ii) Left-wing Communism, an infantile disorder (iii) The Development of Capitalism in Russia (iv) Revolution at the gates (v) Between the two Revolution (vi) War & Socialism etc
15. On 21 January 1924
16. 53 years
17. A controversial & highly divisive individual, Lenin is viewed by Marxist-Leninists as a champion of socialism who achieved justice for the working class, while critics on both the left and right see him as the founder of a authoritarian dictatorship responsible for numerous violations of human rights.
18. Science, Literature, Arts, Architecture, Technology & Peace
19. Faiz Ahmed Faiz (1962), & Abdul Sattar Edhi (1988)
20. In 1991
21. Marxism is an economic & social system based upon the political & economic theories of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. Marxism is “a theory in which class struggle is a central element in the analysis of social change in Western societies.” It is the antithesis of capitalism.
22. Leninism is used to describe the strategy, devised by Lenin, that insisted that a revolution would not come about through the collapse of capitalism under the stress of its own contradictions, and instead, should be brought about by a 'vanguard party' of intellectuals acting on behalf of a proletariat that had not (& might not ever) achieve consciousness.
23. Marxism–Leninism is a political philosophy or worldview founded on ideas of Marxism and Leninism, and seeks to establish socialist states & develop them further. Marxism-Leninism is an adaptation of Marxism developed by Vladimir Lenin, which led to the first successful communist revolution in Lenin's Russia in November 1917.
24. Communism is an economic & social system in which all property & resources are collectively owned by a classless society & not by individual citizens.
25. Capitalism is a social system. Under this system, the means for producing & distributing goods (the land, factories, technology, transport system etc) are owned by a small minority of people.
26. Socialism is an economic system where the ways of making money (factories, offices, etc.) are owned by a society as a whole, meaning the value made belongs to everyone in that society.
27. Feudalism is a social system in which people work & fight for nobles who gave them protection & land in return.
28. Revolution is a forcible overthrow of a government or social order, in favour of a new system.


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