Answers of Quiz 1863 (Isaac Newton)

1. On 25 December 1642 in England, UK
2. British
3. Physics, Natural Philosophy, Mathematics, Astronomy, Alchemy, Economics
4. Reflecting telescope in 1668
5. Calculus in 1670, Gravitational Law & Laws of Motion in 1687
6. In 1705
7. Principia
8. No
9. Robert Hooke (28 July 1635 - 3 March 1703)
10. On 20 March 1726
11. 84 years
12. Force, Tension, Friction
13. 1 N = 1 Kg m/s2
14. One Newton is the force needed to accelerate 1 Kg of mass at the rate of 1 metre per second squared.
15. Newton's Law of Universal Gravitations states that any two bodies in the universe attract each other with a force that is directly proportional to the product of their masses & inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.
16. Every object in a state of uniform motion tend to remain in that state of motion unless an external force is applied to it.
17. The vector sum of the external forces F on an object is equal to the mass m of that object multiplied by the acceleration vector a of the object. F = ma
18. For every action there is an equal & opposite reaction.
19. First Law of Motion
20. Newton's Corpuscular Theory of Light
21. 375 years
22. 291 years


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