Quiz 1802 (UN Secretariat)

Q1. What is the work of Secretariat?

Q2. Which is the administrative organ of UN?

Q3. Who is the head of the Secretariat?

Q4. Which organ is UN's executive arm?

Q5. Which two languages are used by UN Secretariat for working purposes?
(A) English and French
(B) Chinese and English
(C) English and Spanish
(D) English and Russian

Q6. Which UN organ carries out the day-to-day running of the UN?

Q7. The Secretary-General is appointed by the -----

Q8. The Secretary-General is appointed by General Assembly on the recommendation of?

Q9. The UN Charter describes the Secretary-General as ----- of the Organization.

Q10. The term-length of Secretary-General is?

Q11. Who was the first Secretary-General of UN?

Q12. Name the only Secretary-General of UN who resigned from his post?

Q13. How many persons from Asia have served as Secretary-General of UN?

Q14. Who is the current Secretary-General of UN?

Q15. Who is the current Deputy Secretary-General of UN?

Q16. The current Secretary-General of the UN is the ----- occupant of the post.

Q17. The current Secretary-General of the UN belongs from -----

Q18. The UN's most prominent officer is?

Q19. How many UN Secretary Generals have been awarded Nobel Peace Prize?
Repy must.


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