Quiz 1801 (UN Economic and Social Council)

Q1. What is the work of Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)?

Q2. The ECOSOC is at the heart of the UN system to advance the three dimensions of sustainable development. Which are these three dimensions?

Q3. Who elects the members of ECOSOC?
(A) General Assembly
(B) Security Council
(C) Secretariat
(D) International Court of Justice

Q4. The Members of ECOSOC are elected for ----- years.

Q5. How many agencies ECOSOC has?

Q6. How many functional commissions ECOSOC has?

Q7. How many regional commissions ECOSOC has?

Q8. Who is the President of ECOSOC?

Q9. The President of the ECOSOC is currently the Ambassador and Permanent Representative of the ----- to the UN in New York.

Q10. The current President of the ECOSOC is ----- elected on 27 July 2017.

Q11. What is the mandate of the ECOSOC?

Q12. How is the work of the ECOSOC organized?

Q13. Seats on the ECOSOC are allotted based on geographical representation with ----- allocated to African States.

Q14. ----- seats to Asian States.

Q15. ----- seats to Eastern European States.

Q16. ----- seats to Latin American and Caribbean States.

Q17. ----- seats to Western European and other States.

Q18. ECOSOC has one annual meeting in ----- held in either New York or Geneva.

Q19. Which are the subsidiary bodies of ECOSOC?
Repy must.


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