Answers of Quiz 1805 (UN Development Group)

1. The UN Development Group (UNDG) is a consortium of many UN agencies, created by the Secretary-General of the UN in 1997 to improve the effectiveness of UN development activities at the country level.
2. 32 agencies
3. Achim Steiner
4. UN Development Programme (UNDP) advocates for change and connects countries to knowledge, experience and resources to help people build a better life. It provides expert advice, training and grants support to developing countries, with increasing emphasis on assistance to the least developed countries.
5. UNDP Administrator
6. UN Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF) provides humanitarian and developmental assistance to children and mothers in developing countries.
7. In 1965
8. The work of UN Population Fund (UNFPA) involves the improvement of reproductive health; including creation of national strategies and protocols, and providing supplies and services.
9. World Food Programme (WFP) is the food-assistance branch of the UN and the world's largest humanitarian organization addressing hunger and promoting food security. WFP works to help people who cannot produce or obtain enough food for themselves and their families.
10. Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)) is a UN agency that works to promote and protect the human rights that are guaranteed under international law and stipulated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948.
11. UN Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women) is a UN entity working for the empowerment of women.
12. UN Office for Project Services (UNOPS) is an operational arm of the UN, dedicated to implementing projects for the UN System, international financial institutions, governments and other partners in the aid world.
13. Joint UN Programme on HIV and AIDS (UNAIDS) is the main advocate for accelerated, comprehensive and coordinated global action on the HIV/AIDS pandemic.
14. UN Human Settlements Programme (UN–HABITAT) is the UN agency for human settlements and sustainable urban development. It is mandated by the UN General Assembly to promote socially and environmentally sustainable towns and cities with the goal of providing adequate shelter for all.
15. The UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) aims long-term to better equip governments to handle drug-, crime-, terrorism-, and corruption-related issues, to maximise knowledge on these issues among governmental institutions and agencies, and also to maximise awareness of said matters in public opinion, globally, nationally and at community level.
16. UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA) is part of the UN Secretariat and is responsible for the follow-up to major UN Summits and Conferences, as well as services to the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) and the Second and Third Committees of the UN General Assembly. UN DESA assists countries around the world in agenda-setting and decision-making with the goal of meeting their economic, social and environmental challenges.
17. UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) is the principal organ of the UN General Assembly dealing with trade, investment, and development issues. The organization's goals are to: "maximize the trade, investment and development opportunities of developing countries and assist them in their efforts to integrate into the world economy on an equitable basis."
18. UN Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA or ECA) was established in 1958 by the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) to encourage economic cooperation among its member states (the nations of the African continent) following a recommendation of the UN General Assembly.
19. UN Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE or ECE) was established in 1947 to encourage economic cooperation among its member States.
20. UN Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (UNECLAC) is a UN regional commission to encourage economic cooperation among its member states.
21. Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP) is a UN regional commission to encourage economic cooperation among its member states.
22. UN Economic and Social Commission for West Asia (ESCWA) promotes economic and social development of Western Asia through regional and subregional cooperation and integration.
23. UN Office of the High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States (UN-OHRLLS) is an office of the UN Secretariat which deals with the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries, and Small Island Developing States.
24. Office of Special Representative of the Secretary General on Children and Armed Conflict provides substantive inputs to the work of the Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict and follows up on the agreed outcome of the Working Group.
25. UN Environment Programme (UNEP) is an agency of UN and coordinates its environmental activities, assisting developing countries in implementing environmentally sound policies and practices.
26. Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), also known as the UN Refugee Agency, is a UN programme mandated to protect and support refugees at the request of a government or the UN itself and assists in their voluntary repatriation, local integration or resettlement to a third country.
27. Two times (In 1954 and in 1981)
28. International Organization for Migration (IOM) is an intergovernmental organization that provides services and advice concerning migration to governments and migrants, including internally displaced persons, refugees, and migrant workers.


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