Quiz 1771 (Iran)

Q1. Where is Iran located?

Q2. Who is its Supreme Leader?

Q3. Who is its President?

Q4. What is its Official Name?

Q5. What is its Capital?

Q6. Which is its largest City?

Q7. What is its old name?

Q8. What is called its currency?

Q9. What is its Official Language?

Q10. What is its Religion?

Q11. What is its Demonym?

Q12. Which are its Border Countries?

Q13. Which is its News Agency?

Q14. Which is its Intelligence Agency?

Q15. What is its Motto?

Q16. Which is its Anthem?

Q17. What is its Currency Rate to Pakistani rupees?

Q18. Who was the founder of Iranian Sultanate?

Q19. To which Iranian King, Holy Prophet (PBUH) wrote the letter to accept Islam?

Q20. Which Sahabi conquered Iran 1st of all?

Q21. Who was the last King of Iran?

 Q22. What is its number in the world by population?

Q23. What is its number in the world by Muslim population?

Q24. What is its number in the world by Area?

Q25. What is its number in the world by Economy (PPP)?

Q26. What is its number in the world by Economy (Nominal)?

Q27. What is its number in the world by Reserves of natural gas?

Q28. What is its number in the world by Dates production?

Q29. What is its number in the world by Number of refugees?

Q30. What is its number in the world by Reserves of petroleum?

Q31. Describe its national flag?

Q32. Which is the only country with both a Caspian Sea & an Indian Ocean coastline?

Q33. When Iranian Revolution took place?

Q34. Of which organization Tehran is the HQ?

Q35. Which are the famous cities of Iran?

Q36. Which are the great scientists, scholars & poets from Iran?
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