Quiz 1765 (Ozone & Atmosphere)

Q1. When is International Day of Preservation of Ozone Layer observed?

Q2. What is Ozone?

Q3. What is the other name of Ozone?

Q4. What is the chemical formula of Ozone?

Q5. What is the molar mass of Ozone?

Q6. Of which element Ozone is an allotropic form?

Q7. What is Ozone Layer?

Q8. How is Ozone Layer useful for us?

Q9. What is Good Ozone?

Q10. What is Bad Ozone?

Q11. What causes Ozone depletion?

Q12. What is Atmosphere?

Q13. What is Atmosphere composed of?

Q14. How many layers Atmosphere has?

Q15. What is called the first layer of Atmosphere?

Q16. What is called the second layer of Atmosphere?

Q17. What is called the third layer of Atmosphere?

Q18. What is called the fourth layer of Atmosphere?

Q19. What is called the fifth layer of Atmosphere?

Q20. What is called the sixth layer of Atmosphere?

Q21. What is Atmospheric Pressure?
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