Quiz 1749 (Ka'ba)

Q1. Where is Kaba located?

Q2. What is its height?

Q3. What is the meaning of Kaba?

Q4. Which mosque surrounds it?

Q5. What is called the direction facing Kaba from any point of the world?

Q6. What is called the walking 7 times around Kaba in a counter-clockwise direction?

Q7. What is called its eastern corner?

Q8. What is called its northern corner?

Q9. What is called its western corner?

Q10. What is called its southern corner?

Q11. What is called the annual gathering in Kaba?

Q12. What is the center of Islam?

Q13. To performing which type of prayer, Muslims face Kaba?

Q14. What are other names of Kaba in Quran & Hadith?

Q15. Which was the 1st mosque on Earth?

Q16. Which tribe of Quraish holds the keys of Kaba?

Q17. What is the distance between Kaba & Zamzam well?

Q18. What is the distance between Kaba & Al-Safa?

Q19. What is the distance between Kaba & Al-Marwa?

Q20. In which year Abraha came to invade Kaba?

Q21. When was Qibla changed to Kaba?

Q22. Who is the current Imam of Kaba?

Q23. Which is the largest mosque of the world?
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