Quiz 1739 (Human Excretory System)

Q1. What is Excretory System?

Q2. What is Excretion?

Q3. Human Excretory System consists of organs?

Q4. Which is the main organ of excretory system?

Q5. What is Hemeostasis?

Q6. What is Osmoregulation?

Q7. Where are the Kidneys situated?

Q8. What is the work of Kidneys?

Q9. How do Kidneys work?

Q10. Which part of Kidney filters blood?

Q11. What is Nephron?

Q12. How is urine formed?

Q13. How does urinary system work?

Q14. What would happen if we do not go to the toilet?

Q15. What is the role of skin in excretory system?
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