Quiz 1738 (Human Blood Circulatory System)

Q1. What is Blood Circulatory System?

Q2. What are the other names of Blood Circulatory System?

Q3. Which is the main organ in Blood Circulatory System?

Q4. The path of blood circulation in human is:
(a) Single Circuit
(b) Double Circuit
(c) Both

Q5. In humans the type of blood circulation is:
(a) open type
(b) closed type
(c) None

Q6. Who described the modern concept of blood circulation?

Q7. What is the function of heart?

Q8. What is the composition of blood?

Q9. How many types of blood groups are?

Q10. What is Blood Pressure?

Q11. What is Lymphatic System?

Q12. What is the function of Veins?

Q13. What is the function of Arteries?

Q14. What is the function of Capillaries?

Q15. What is called the study of blood flow?

Q16. What is called the study of properties of the blood flow?
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