Answers of Quiz 1737 (Human Respiratory System)
1. Respiration is a process that liberates chemical energy stored in the organic molecules.
2. Breathing is the process that moves air in & out of the lungs.
3. Ventilatory System
4. Lungs
5. Inspiration or Inhalation is the taking in of air into the lungs.
6. Expiration or Exhalation is the forcing of air out of the lungs.
7. In the thorax
8. Pulmo = lung, Pneum = Lung air
9. Nostrils, nasopharynx, pharynx, glottis, trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, alveoli
10. Oxygen (O2)
11. Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
12. Smoking affects the lungs. Heavy smoking can also damage the heart & blood vessels. Non-smokers are also affected if they spend much time in a room with people who are smoking.
13. Bronchitis is the inflammation of the bronchial tubes, which may be caused by smoking or by bacterial infection. When a person smokes, tiny particles in the smoke get caught on the lining of the trachea & bronchial tubes. Extra mucus is produced & the cilia stop breathing. The mucus collects in the bronchial tubes & this gives rise to the smokers cough.
14. Tuberculosis is caused by bacteria which destroy the lung tissues. It can be diagnosed by chest X-ray & sputum test.
15. In Lung Cancer a growth develops in the wall of the bronchial tubes. This blocks them, so breathing becomes more & more difficult.
16. Pneumonia is an infection of the alveoli. Tissues fluids accumulate in the alveoli reducing the surface area exposed to air.
17. In Asthma, periodic constriction of the bronchi & bronchioles makes it more difficult to breathe in & out.
18. Constellation of asthma, emphysema, & chronic bronchitis is known as COPD.
19. Oxidation of food in cells is called Cellular Respiration.
20. Spirometer
21. When you are sleepy or drowsy the lungs do not take
enough oxygen from the air. This causes a shortage of oxygen in our bodies. The brain senses this shortage of oxygen & sends a message that causes you to take a deep long breath- a YAWN.
22. Sneezing is like a cough in the upper breathing passages. It is the body's way of removing an irritant from the sensitive mucous membranes of the nose. Many things can irritate the mucous membranes. Dust, pollen, pepper or even a cold blast of air are just some of the many things that may cause you to sneeze.
23. Hiccups are the sudden movements of the diaphragm. It is involuntary. You have no control over hiccups, as you well know. There are many causes of hiccups. The diaphragm may get irritated, you may have eaten to fast, or maybe some substance in the blood could even have brought on the hiccups.
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