Answers of Quiz 1736 (Human Digestive System)
1. Digestion is a process in which large indiffusible food molecules are broken into smaller diffusible molecules so that they can be absorbed by the cells either to provide energy or to serve other purposes.
2. The entire process of digestion takes place inside Alimentary Canal.
3. Buccal cavity, oesophagus, stomach, small intestine & large intestine
4. Ingestion, Digestion, Absorption, Assimilation, Egestion
5. The process of taking in of food into the mouth is called Ingestion.
6. The process of discharging undigested material from the body is called Egestion.
7. The process of breaking the food mechanically into smaller pieces is called Mechanical Digestion.
8. The chemical break down of food into smaller chemical molecules is called Chemical Digestion which is brought about by enzymes.
9. Milk teeth are the 1st set of teeth that appears at the age of 6 months. Later, about at the age of 7 years; the milk teeth gradually fall & are replaced one by one by permanent teeth.
10. Crown, Neck, Root
11. Incisors, Canines, Premolars, Molars
12. I 2/2, C 1/1, Pm 2/2, M 3/3
13. Salivary Glands.
14. Liver
15. The intake & processing of food is called Nutrition.
16. A balanced diet contains adequate amount of nutrients. It helps in proper growth, metabolism, & maintenance of good health.
17. Fish-liver oil, animal liver, milk, cheese, fresh green vegetables
18. Fish-liver oil, butter, egg yolk, milk, sunlight
19. Plant oils, green leafy salad
20. Dark green leafy vegetables
21. Husk of wheat, grains & brown rice
22. Leafy vegetables, fish, eggs
23. Meat, fish, milk, eggs
24. Citrus fruits & green vegetables
25. Poor night visision
26. Rickets
27. Anemia
28. Blood does not clot
29. Beri Beri
30. Sore
31. Pellagra
32. Scurvy
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