Important Days in August

1 August
World Wide Web Day

1 August
World Scout Scarf Day

1 August
Swiss National Day (in Switzerland)

6 August
International Friendship Day (1st Sunday of August)

6 August
International Forgiveness Day (1st Sunday of August)

9 August
International Day of the World's Indiginous People

9 August
National Day of Singapore

11 August
National Minorities Day (in Pakistan)

12 August
International Youth Day

13 August
International Lefthanders Day

14 August
Independence Day of Pakistan

15 August
Independence Day of India

15 August
National Liberation Day of Korea (Both in North & South Korea)

15 August
National Day of Mourning (in Bangladesh)

17 August
Independence Day of Indonesia

19 August
World Humanitarian Day

19 August
World Photography Day

19 August
Independence Day of Afghanistan

20 August
World Mosquito Day

23 August
International Day for the Rememberance of the Slave Trade & its Abolution

29 August
International Day Against Nuclear Tests

30 August
International Day of the Disapeared

31 August
Independence Day of Malaysia


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