Quiz 1681 (Hell/Dozakh)

Q1. How many gates of Hell are?

Q2. Which are the names of Hell mentioned in Holy Quran?

Q3. Hell is mentioned in Quran for --- times.
(A) 130
(B) 140
(C) 150
(D) 160

Q4. A part of Hell that is extremely cold rather than hot, known as?

Q5. The punishments of Hell are through?
(A) Demons
(B) Scorpions
(C) Snakes
(D) All of these

Q6. How many times the word Al-nar (the fire) is used in Quran?

Q7. How many times the word Jahannam is used in Quran?

Q8. How many times the word Jaheem (blazing flames) is used in Quran?

Q9. The fuel for the fire of Jahannam, according to the Quran, are?
(A) Sinners
(B) Disbelieving Jinn
(C) Stones
(D) All of these

Q10. Hell is perceived to be so deep that if a stone were thrown into it, it would fall for -- years before reaching the bottom.

Q11. The breadth of each of Hell's walls is equivalent to a distance covered by a walking journey of -- years.

Q12. The people that end up in Hell will be?
(A) The companions of the right hand
(B) The companions of the left hand
(C) Adulterers
(D) Misers

Q13. What is Zaqqum?

Q14. Which kind of people will be found in the very bottom of Hell?
(A) Disbelievers
(B) Renegades
(C) Hypocrites
(D) Witches & Fortunetellers

Q15. Human soul will remain alive in Jannat or Jahannam after the day of?
(A) Death
(B) Judgment
(C) Grief
(D) None of these

Q16. Who is the gatekeeper of Jahannam?
(A) Saud
(B) Qahir
(C) Rizwan
(D) Malik

Q17. What is the number of Angels of Hell?
(A) 21
(B) 17
(C) 19
(D) 13

Q18. --- is the place which Allah has made for his non-believers to face the punishment?
(A) Barzakh
(B) Jannat
(C) Jahannam
(D) None of these
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