Quiz 1678 (Duties to Allah & Duties to People/Huqooq-ullah & Huqooq-ul-Ibad)

Q1. What is Haq?

Q2. What is Huqooq-ullah?

Q3. What is Huqooq-ul-Ibad?

Q4. What is Amar Bil Maroof?

Q5. What is Nahi Anil Munkar?

Q6. How many times the rights of the people (Haqooq-ul-Ibad) have been mentioned in Holy Quran under different names?

Q7. How many times the rights of the people (Haqooq-ul-Ibad) have been mentioned in the Ahadees?

Q8. In a number of places in the Quran two sources for man’s success have been mentioned, one is Iman & the other is?

Q9. What is Silah-e-Rahmi?

Q10. Which virtues are mentioned in the Quran & Hadees?

Q11. The Quran has pointed out many social evils as well, & we have been directed to avoid them. In Arabic, these social evils are called?

Q12. Which social evils are mentioned in the Quran & Hadees?

Q13. Which is the worst social evil & the root of all other evils?
(A) Zina
(B) Theft
(C) Telling lies/Falsehood
(D) Murder

Q14. In the Quran, Allah has compared ---- to eating the flesh of one’s dead brother.
(A) Falsehood
(B) Backbiting
(C) Hypocrisy
(D) False Accusation

Q15. --- is a kind of wrong suspicion due to which a person finds bad intention in everything someone else is doing, he does not note any good intention in anything someone is doing.

Q16. Holy Prophet (PBUH) has said: "Paradise lies under the feet of your ---".

Q17. Holy Prophet (PBUH) has said: "God's pleasure is in the pleasure of your --- & God's displeasure is in the displeasure of your ---."

Q18. Holy Prophet (PBUH) has said "If a person looks with love at his parents, God writes in his favor the reward equal to ---."

Q19. Allah will not forgive the violation of Huqooq-ul-Ibaad unless or until --- other than these Haqooq, Allah may, if He pleases, forgive any sin related to Huqooq-ullah.

Q20. Which are the rights of Parents to their children?

Q21. Which are the rights of Children to their Parents?

Q22. Which are the rights of Husband & Wife to each other?

Q23. Which are the rights of relatives?

Q24. Which are the rights of Teachers to Students?

Q25. Which are the rights of one neighbour to other?

Q26. Which are the rights of a non-Muslim to a Muslim?
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