Quiz 1658 (Full Ablution/Ghusl)

Q1. How many types of cleanliness are in Islam?

Q2. Ghusl is called?
(a) Taharat-e-Kubra
(b) Taharat-e-Sughra

Q3. How many Farz (Obligatory) are in Ghusl?

Q4. How many Sunnats are in Ghusl?

Q5. How to perform Ghusl? Describe in detail?

Q6. How Ghusl becomes mandatory?

Q7. What is Janabat?

Q8. In which Surah Ghusl is ordered?

Q9. Ghusl before Friday Prayer & Eid is?
(a) Farz
(b) Sunnat
(c) Wajib
(d) Mustahab

Q10. Ghusl before entering Ehram in preparation before Hajj is?
(a) Farz
(b) Sunnat
(c) Wajib
(d) Sunnat

Q11. Is there difference between taking bath & Ghusl?

Q12. Does Wuzu (Partial Ablution) becomes mandatory after Ghusl?

Q13. Is there concept of Full Ablution in other religions?
Reply must.


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