Quiz 1655 (Hazrat Musa AS & Taurat)

Q1. Where was Hazrat Musa (AS) born?

Q2. What was the name of his father?

Q3. What was the name of his mother?

Q4. What was the name of his brother?

Q5. What was the name of his sister?

Q6. What was the name of his spouse?

Q7. Who was the King of Egypt then?

Q8. What was the name of King's spouse who brought him up?

Q9. Which Prophet had to commit a murder at the age of 30?

Q10. At which mountain he received revelations?

 Q11. Which prophet was his predecessor?

Q12. Which prophet was his successor?

Q13. Which prophet was his contemporary?

Q14. Which prophet was his father-in-law?

Q15. What was the name of his nephew who was also a Prophet?

Q16. How many times his name is mentioned in Quran?

Q17. Which prophet is mentioned and discussed the most in the Holy Quran?

Q18. The famous prayer of Hazrat Musa (AS) for increase in the knowledge is found in the Surah?

Q19. Which two prophets prayed to become the Ummati of Hazoor (SAWW)?

Q20. Which Prophet's from these two prophets' prayer was granted?

Q21. What is the meaning of his name?

Q22. What was his title?

Q23. Where he lies buried?

Q24. When was Taurat revealed to him?

Q25. What is the meaning of Taurat?

Q26. How many times the word Taurat has occurred in the Quran?

Q27. Which was the 1st revealed book of Allah?

Q28. By what name Jews call it?

Q29. By what name Christians call it?

Q30. In which language it was revealed?

Q31. On what heaven Hazoor (SAWW) met Hazrat Musa (AS) during Meraj?
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