Important Days in June

1 June
International Children's Day

1 June
World Milk Day

1 June
Global Day of Parents

4 June
International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression

5 June
World Environment Day

8 June
World Ocean Day

8 June
World Brain Tumor Day

9 June
World Accreditation Day

12 June
World Day Against Child Labour

14 June
World Blood Donors Day

17 June
World Day to Combat Desertification & Drought

18 June
International Picnic Day

18 June
Father's Day (3rd Sunday of June)

19 June
Autistic Pride Day

19 June
World Sickle Cell Day

20 June
World Refugees Day

21 June
Summer Solstice Day (Or The Longest Day of the Year)

21 June
World Music Day

21 June
World Humanist Day

21 June
World Hydrography Day

23 June
UN's Public Service Day

23 June
International Olympic Day

23 June
International Widow's Day

26 June
World Anti-Narcotics Day

26 June
International Day in Support of Victims of Torcher


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