Answers of Quiz 1657 (Ablution/Wuzu)

1. Taharat
2. 3 types (Wuzu, Ghusl, Tayammum)
3. Taharat-e-Sughra
4. 4 viz
i. Washing the face once
ii. Washing both the arms including elbows once
iii. Performing Masah of one-fourth of the head
iv. Washing both the feet upto & including the ankles
5. 17 viz
i. Reciting Bismillah
ii. Intension of performing Wuzu
iii. Washing both the hands upto wrists 3 times
iv. Rinsing the inner mouth 3 times
v. Sniffing water & blowing it out 3 times
vi. Washing of face 3 times
vii. Washing of arms upto elbows 3 times
viii. Wet your hand with water then starting from the front part of your hair rub it down to the back of your hair once
ix. Wipe both ears at once
x. Wash both feet 3 times
xi. Passing of wet fingers between fingers & toes
xii. Passing of wet fingers into the beard
xiii. Brushing the teeth preferably with a Miswak
xiv. Wuzu is done systematically
xv. Washing of each part one after the other without pause, so no part dries up before Wuzu is completed
xvi. Washing each limb thrice
xvii. Performing Wuzu towards the Qibla
6. 5 viz
i. Reciting the Shahadah after the ablution
ii. During Wuzu one should not engage in worldly talks
iii. Choosing a clean place for ablution
iv. Not wasting water in ablution
v. Starting from right side & then the left
7. i. Make intention
ii. Say Bismillah
iii. Wash both hands upto the wrist 3 times
iv. Rinse the mouth & spit out water 3 times & rub the teeth with a miswak
v. Put water into nose 3 times
vi. Wash face 3 times
vii. Wash both elbows 3 times
viii. Perform Masah
ix. Wash both feet 3 times
x. Recite Shahadah
xi. Offer 2 Rakat prayer
8. i. Defecation of urination
ii. Odorous or audible emissions of flatulence
iii. Sleep while reclining
iv. Vomiting
v. Loss of senses
vi. Fainting
vii. Blood or pus leaving the body
viii. & all the acts which invalidate Ghusl
9. No
10. In 5 AH
11. In 4 AH
12. To intend
13. No
14. Farz (Obligatory)
15. Surah Al-Nisa
16. Surah Al-Nisa & Al-Maidah
17. He should do Tayammam
18. Hazoor (SAWW)
19. No


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