Answers of Quiz 1652 (Islam Special)
1. Peace
2. Hazoor (SAWW)
3. Deen-e-Hanif
4. Khana Ka'ba
5. 5 Pillars
6. Salat (Namaz)
7. 700 times
8. In 10th year of Prophethood
9. 2 AH
10. 2 AH
11. 9 AH
12. Belief in Allah, Belief in Prophets, Belief in Angels, Belief in Revealed Books, Belief in Day of Resurrection, Belief in Life after death & fate
13. Muslim
14. Masjid
15. 1,24,000
16. 25 names of Prophets
17. Saying of Hazoor (SAWW)
18. Islamic way of life
19. Injunctions of Islamic Law are called Fiqh.
20. Those who follow teachings of Hazoor (SAWW)
21. Those who in addition to Hazoor (SAWWA) teachings give special attachment & reverence to Hazrat Ali (RA)
22. A person who devotes worship other than Allah
23. A person who doesn't believe in fundamentals of faith.
24. A person who does not believe in Allah
25. Quran, Hadith, Ijma (Consensus), Qiyas (Opinion)
26. Islam
27. 2nd
28. Allah
29. Ahkam-ul-Khamsa
30. Farz-ul-Ain (Individual Duty) is the direct responsibility of every Muslim.
31. Farz-e-Kifayah (Sufficiency Duty) is a duty which requires sufficient number of community members to fulfill it.
32. Wajib (Obligatory) is merely necessary.
33. Mustahab (Recommended) is duties recommended but not essential; fulfilment of which is rewarded, though may be neglected with punishment. Its synonyms are Masnun or Mandub.
34. Makruh
35. Teachings of Hazoor (SAWW)
36. Act by Hazoor (SAWW) which he performed regularly.
37. Act by Hazoor (SAWW) which he sometimes failed to perform with some reason.
38. Mubah (Neutral) is neither obligatory nor recommended.
39. Makruh (Abominable) is disliked or offensive act.
40. Haram (Sinful) is any act that is forbidden by Allah.
41. Mustahab
42. Makruh
43. Haram
44. Farz-e-Kifayah
45. Halal
46. No
47. Haram
48. 6 times
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