Answers of Quiz 1640 (Israel Special)

1. On 14 May 1948
2. Western Asia
3. Lebanon to North
Syria to Northeast
Jordan to East
Palestine to East & Southwest
Egypt to South
4. Jerusalem
5. Hebrew, Arabic
6. Israeli
7. Israeli New Shekel (ILS)
8. Knesset
9. State of Israel
10. Blue stripes with portrayal of star in centre
11. Mossad
12. Reuven Rivlin
13. Benjamin Netanyahu
14. Yes
15. Yaqoob (AS)
16. In 15 Para
17. Children of Israel
18. Musa (AS)
19. Esa (AS)
20. (d) All
21. Yes
22. (C) Middle East
23. A Palestinian uprising against Israeli rule
24. An organization founded in 1964 with the purpose of creating an independent state of Palestine
25. A radical Shia Muslim group fighting against Israel
26. Its a self-governed entity on the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea
27. Islamist organization with an associated military wing
28. Yom Kippur War was fought by the coalition of Arab states led by Egypt & Syria against Israel


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