Quiz 1627 (Hazrat Hussain RA Special)

Q1. When was he born?

Q2. Tell the name of his father?

Q3. Tell the name of his mother?

Q4. Tell the name of his paternal father?

Q5. Tell the name of his maternal father?

Q6. Tell the name of his brothers?

Q7. Tell the name of his sisters?

Q8. Tell the name of his spouse?

Q9. Tell the name of his sons?

Q10. Tell the name of his daughters?

Q11. What was his ethnicity?

Q12. What was his age when Prophet (PBUH) passed away?

Q13. Was he a member of Ahl al-Bayt?

Q14. Was he a member of Ahl al-Kisa?

Q15. He was the --th Nizari-Ismaili Shia Imam.

Q16. He was the --th Taiyabi-Mustaali Shia Imam.

Q17. He was the --th Sevener Shia Imam.

Q18. He was the --th Twelver Shia Imam.

Q19. He was the --th Zaydi Shia Imam.

Q20. In which battle he was under the command of Yazid, in the reign of Hazrat Muawiya (RA)?

Q21. When was he martyred?

Q22. Where he lies buried?

Q23. Which titles he received?

Q24. As a Shia Imam who was his predecessor?

Q25. As a Shia Imam who was his successor?

Q26. What is the meaning of word "Hussain"?
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