Quiz 1619 (World Malaria Day Special)

Q1. When is World Malaria Day observed every year?

Q2. What is the meaning of word "Malaria"?

Q3. What was it formerly called?

Q4. Which insect causes it?

Q5. What is Plasmodium?

Q6. What are its symptoms?

Q7. How is it caused?

Q8. How is it diagnosed?

Q9. What precautions should be made to avoid it?

Q10. What medication is used for it?

Q11. Which tree contains Quinine?

Q12. What are its types?

Q13. What it can cause in severe cases?

Q14. Who was awarded Nobel Prize for work on Malaria?

Q15. What is the theme for World Malaria Day 2017?

Q16. Which other diseases mosquito causes?

Q17. What is Arabic word used in Quran for Mosquito?
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