Quiz 1977 (Syria)

Q1. When did Syria get independence from France?

Q2. Which Sahabi conquered Syria?

Q3. Which Islamic Caliphate made Syria its capital?

Q4. Which is the capital of Syria?

Q5. Where is Syria located?

Q6. What is called the currency of Syria?

Q7. Which is the official language of Syria?

Q8. Which is the official religion of Syria?

Q9. Which are the bordering countries of Syria?

Q10. What is the demonym of Syria?

Q11. Which is the largest city of Syria?

Q12. What is the official name of Syria?

Q13. What is the currency rate of Syrian currency to Pakistani currency?

Q14. What is Syria called in Arabic?

Q15. Who is the President of Syria?

Q16. Who is the Prime Minister of Syria?

Q17. Which is the oldest continuously inhabited city of the world?

Q18. Which important organizations member is Syria?

Q19. How many years Syria remained as a part of United Arab Republic (UAR)?

Q20. Describe the national flag of Syria?

Q21. What was Yom Kippur War?

Q22. What is Hezbollah?

Q23. What does ISIL / ISIS stand for?

Q24. Who is the caliph of ISIL / ISIS?

Q25. What is ISIL / ISIS called in Arabic?

Q26. When did Syrian Uprising (Syrian Civil War) begin?

Q27. What caused the uprising?
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